Class Etiquette and Rules
MLA and Writing
Academic Resources
Identity Resources
Misc. Campus Resources

This event is at 1 PM on Thursdays or by appointment.

What is Office Hours?


This resource can provide additional clarification on MLA formatting as well as provide feedback on writing.

What is the Writing Center?


This resource is a must have for anyone with ADHD, dyslexia/dysgraphia, or ongoing mental health struggles.

What is the DRC?


This center offers everything from sexual violence advocacy to leadership education to student-led community projects. 

What is the Women’s Resource Center?


This yummy and free resource is located across the street

What is the food pantry?


Doing this activity loses points despite the quality of your work.

What is submitting an assignment late?


What are the elements of a MLA heading?

Student’s name, instructor’s name, class, date


This resource, located in Cramer, is full of helpful people eager to help you with your language and communication skills.

What is the Writing Center?


This center hosts signature events such as the Día de los Muertos in the Fall, Jotería Loteria in the Winter, Sí Se Puede Week in the Spring, and so many more!

What is La Casa Latina?

This resource doesn’t control your financial aid offer, but the can teach you about money and how to make a budget among other important skills.

What is the financial wellness center?


This is your final project

What is an e-portfolio?


Name two research medias that would be italicized.

Books, movies, documentaries, TV series, albums, anthologies/collections, Plays,


Besides supporting general student skills development, this resource also offers tutoring in subjects such as math, statistics, chemistry, accounting, world languages, computer science, and engineering.

What is the Learning Center?


This center hosts an annual Queer & Trans Students of Color Conference

What is the Queer Resource Center?

While many other organizations also offer emergency funds, this resource is a logical starting place. They also have a small food pantry and hygiene products. 

What is the Basic Needs Hub?


Name two respectful actions when your peers are speaking in front of the class

Technology away, eyes at attention, no headphones, clap at the end, sit still until they are finished, ask questions when prompted, no side conversations


What is the name of the indentation on a MLA works cited page?

Hanging indent


This resource, located in CH 117D, can provide clarity on and aid in the development of many class assignments.

Who is Dr. B?


This resource has a physical building at the corner of SW Jackson and Broadway

What is the Native American Student and Community Center


What are three specific services offered by SHAC?

counseling, ADHD screenings, the mind spa, dental exams and emergency dental appointments, wellness check ups, STD screenings, hormone treatments, immunizations, sexual assault support, group therapy


A greeting, an personal introduction or context, the request, and a polite send off are the basic elements of ___

What are emails?


What information is needed for a parenthetical in-text citation?

Author’s last name and a page number if a) available and b) a quote. If the author is unknown, a title will suffice


These staff members are experts in a variety of classes, including UNST Portland, and would love to help you with your research assignments

Who are librarians?

This subsection of the multicultural center is preparing numerous events to celebrate their pride month in May

What is the PIAAA Center


This resource regularly offers group workshops but they also offer one-on-one appointments to help with resume building, interview practice, and the job/internship search process

What is the Career Center?
