What was Mulji Sharma eating when Maharaj arrived to his house?
Cooked juvar and yogurt/dahi
What day of the yagna was Mulji's diksha on?
The final day
In what year was the bicentenary celebration of Gunatitanand swami diksha din?
What did Maharaj say about Mulji Sharma on his way to Devbhai Kanbi's house?
"This Mulji who lives in a small hut at present and eats juvar, will one day live in big Haveli's and become the the governor of thousands of devotees. He will become a great sadhu. His glory will spread overseas. His murti will be installed in mandirs along with mine and millions of devotees will worship him.
What does Bapa say in his pratigna?
That Maharaj comes down on this earth with his Akshardham and mukto.
What did Maharaj tell Mulji in his vision?
"Mulji what have you come for and what are you doing? The divine light of brahma has faded from the world so leave now."
In which scripture was "Muljisharmane deeshkam dadaanasya prajaayte, Bhuyaanme-tra samaando yato Dhaamaaksharma cha me" written
Hari Lila Kalpatru
Without who is our moksha unattainable?
What did Maharaj tell Sakarba?
"Mulji is so great that he holds infinite universes. He is above all. He is the cause of everything.
What did Maharaj say after naming Mulji Sharma Gunatitanand?
I am extremely happy to initiate Mulji Sharma today who is my Aksharbrahama, in whom I dwell along with my mukto. This Mulji Sharma is my Akshardham.
What day it tommorrow?
Poshi Poonam