Our thoughts affect our _________.
What are our feelings/emotions?
What we do that affects the world. Thoughts, Feelings, _____?
What are our actions?
To be well or have good health.
What is healthy?
Positive actions lead to positive ________ about ourself.
What are positive thoughts?
Negative actions lead to ____.
What are negative consequences?
Feeling good about ourselves leads to doing _____
What are our good actions?
Describe a time when you used positive actions to help someone else.
Thank you! It is amazing how much better we feel about our self when we help others. That is why it is important to ask others for help when you need it.
Give 3 examples of positive behaviors.
An emotional state or reaction. Thoughts, _____, actions
What are feelings?
Explain the thoughts-feelings-actions cycle.
Our thoughts influence how we feel and our emotions influence our behaviors.
Tell a time when you wish you would have changed your behavior.
Thank you! It is not always easy to stop yourself when you are upset, hurt or angry. You can practice the stop - think - go exercise to help you learn how to control your behavior better.
Name the 5 core human emotions.
What are joy, fear, anger, sadness and disgust.