True or False: a major goal of PBS is to change any repetitive behaviour of a student that bothers other students or the educator
What does LRI and BSP stand for?
Least Restrictive Interventions
When does a consequence occur in relationship to a behaviour
What is a functional skill?
An activity that someone else has to do if a person in unable to do so by themselves
Looking at the environment is the first step to _ _ _ !
Positive Behaviour Support
What harmful actions does PBS aim to prevent?
Abuse and neglect
Why should you always follow BSPs as they are written?
Because not following them can lead to unnecessary increase of restrictive interventions & the evaluation will accurately not show if they are working or not
True or false: In ABC model, B ("Behaviour") refers to a challenging or problem behaviour that interferes with a person's ability to enjoy life
When/where and with what are the most ideal places to teach functional skills?
In settings where the skill is needed using materials that the person would typically use.
What does the environment affect?
Whether or not a problem behaviour occurs
(any is correct here!)
Honour + Respect =
(Value of PBS in addition to independent choice)
What is the first step when using the least restrictive intervention?
Collect baseline data
One way to use ABC model is to change or remove the ________ to a challenging or problem behaviour if possible
Why are teaching functional skills important?
Promote dignity
Help people learn skills more quickly & apply them to new situations
Prevent problem behaviour
(any answer is correct here!)
What are examples of what you should "survey" for in an environment?
Choice opportunities
What is typical or usual
Suited to individual needs
Access to preferred items and events