This data needs to be is recorded online everyday by 11 a.m. using Powerschool.
Daily Student Attendance
What does the Acronym PBIS stand for?
What is Positive, Behavior intervention and support.
Renaissance Reading & Math, CAASPP/SBAC, or ELPAC
Assessment student take this year.
Lui, Ponce, Ruzer, & Ly
HHS Guidance Counselors; College & Career Counselors
Cross Country, Tennis & Football
What are Fall sports.
This time frame can be used for... * Preparing instructional materials *Grading papers *Conferring with parents *Reviewing new curriculum materials.
What is your prep period.
What are the 4 HHS School-wide expectations?
Be Prepared, Be Responsible, Be Respectful & Be Safe.
Has a major impact on student academic and behavioral success.
What is building positive relationships with your students.
Community College, 4- Year Universities, Vocational School, Job,, or Military.
Post high school student opportunities.
Colbert, Duarte, Newson
What are the names of HHS Administrative team.
It is the responsibility of every staff member to report all cases of suspected abuse to administration
What is mandated reporting.
Students should not be out of the classroom during this time without a pass.
Anytime during class time/instruction.
The school provides more individualized instruction for children who need the most support.
What is a Tier 3 Interventions.
Public, Private, Community/Jr., UC, or CSU
Types of Colleges in California.
Severely sagging pants, too short shorts, too short dresses or skirts, clothing displaying drug paraphernalia.
What are dress code violations
Having a fever, family member's funeral, contagious symptoms.
Legitimate or excused absence reasons.
The prevailing mood, attitudes, standards, and tone that you and your students feel when they are in your classroom.
What is classroom climate.
Targeted instruction for students who are in need of additional support. Instruction is supplemental to core instruction and is typically delivered in a small group.
What is a tier 2 intervention.
Biotechnology & Computer Science/Information Technology
What are College/Career Pathways at HHS.
What is the Western Association of Schools & Colleges
"I already took this class and passed it" or "I don't have enough classes on my schedule"
Criteria for a schedule change.
Teachers manage these types of behaviors.
What is a level 1 behavior.
The following are good practices to be displayed in all classrooms daily.
Learning objective/learning targets, homework, essential questions, anchor charts, ect.
Arts, Media & Entertainment; Arts, Technology, & Entertainment
What are potential College & Career Pathways at HHS.
Counseling, Health Center, Studiofive10
What are student support services at HHS.