Islamic Stuff
Umayyad & Abbasid
West Africa & Swahili City States
Islam was delivered by the archangel Gabriel to this prophet.
Who is Muhammad?
These were the capitals of the caliphates.
What is Damascus and Baghdad?
Name the 3 civilizations from West Africa in this time chronologically. In addition, name 3 Swahili city-states.
What are Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. What are Kilwa, Zanzibar, Mozambique, Mogadishu, Mombassa, Lamu?
Name the capitals of the Chinese Dynasties during this era.
What is Chang'an (Sui, Tang, Song) and Beijing (Yuan and Ming)?
This ruler was probably the greatest, most awesome person that there has ever been, establishing the largest land-based empire of ALL TIME!
Who is Genghis Khan?
This is the god of Islam, and this is the sacred book.
Who is Allah and what is the Quran?
Give 3 pieces of evidence that the Abbasid Caliphate had a Golden Age.
What is Ben's preference?
This was the man that made his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324, which included 60,000 men, 12,000 slaves who each carried four-pound gold bars 80 camels, which varying reports claim carried between 50 and 300 pounds of gold dust each. This influx of gold into city like Cairo and Medina decreased the value of gold for the next decade.
Who is Mansa Musa?
This is the Sui's claim to fame, besides having the Mandate of Heaven and the civil service exam.
What is the Grand Canal?
This is the policy that Genghis used to unite the Mongol tribes, where he mixed clans so there wouldn’t be any uprisings.
What is steppe diplomacy?
In 622, Muhammad and his followers were forced to flee to this city, which later became one of the 5 Pillars of Islam known as this.
What is Mecca and Hajj?
These were places where communities of People of the Book could have their own customs and traditions, as long as they paid the jizya.
What are millets?
Both the Swahili City States and Mali were active in trade around the region. Name 3 commodities that were traded.
What is ivory, gold, salt, slaves, animals, others that are not listed here?
This crop arrived from Vietnam, and was used in this system of Chinese agriculture
What is champa rice and the equal field system?
The Mongols created this, making trade along the Silk Road safe, which in turn increased the trade.
What is the Pax Mongolica?
Fill in the blank: ________ were the Islamic scholars and ________ was a community of Islamic people.
What is Ulamas and Ummas?
State how each caliphate spread Islam, specifics required.
Umayyad- conquest with Berbers into Africa and Spain Abbasid- conversion with sufis
Even though they are both Islamic, Mali and the Abbasid Caliphate were different in what? (think religion)
What is religious toleration?
State 4 facts each of the Tang, Song, and Yuan dyansties.
Tang- Empress Wu, Buddhism, tributary states, champa rice, equal field system, flying credit, paper money Song- weak military, paid tribute to Korea and northern nomads, footbinding, many advanced weapons- grenades, rockets, cannons, etc. Yuan- Kublai Khan, Mongol rule in China, Persian bureaucrats in the government, toleration of Buddhism, merchant status up, Silk Road trade- Pax Mongolia, passports, stations
After Genghis Khan died, the Mongol Empire was divided into these 4 regions.
What is the Golden Horde, Yuan Dynasty, Ilkhanate of Persia, and the Changtai Khanate.
States the 5 Pillars of Islam, double if they can be said with the Islamic words.
What is confession of faith (Shahadah), pray 5 times a day facing Mecca (Salat), giving 2.5% of one's earnings to the poor and needy (Zakat), fasting (Sawm) and a pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)?
Fill in the blanks: ___________ was able to stop the advancement of Islam into Europe at __________in 732. He was also ___________ grandfather, who established the Holy Roman Empire.
What is Charles Martel, the Battle of Tours, and Charlemagne?
State how Al-Andulus became ruled by an Umayyad prince, the capital, and 3 facts about Al-Andulus
The Abbasids invited the Umayyads to dinner, killed them all but one prince escaped to Al-Andulus. The capital was Cordoba, and it was religiously tolerant, had libraries, universities, Iberian Peninsula, golden age, agriculture- could feed bread to wildlife, Islamic.
This is a possible explanation for pulling Zheng He out of navigating.
What is the construction of the Forbidden City, or another possible explanation (Ben's preference)?
Name 3 tactics that were utilized by the Mongols to be able to travel, battle, and conquer.
What is light supply, psychological warfare, flanking, encirclement and opening, feigned retreat, advanced training, expert bowman, Chinese catapults/battering ramsexpert horseman, etc.?