Which animal was considered an innovation because they were better adapted to desert travel because they can travel long distances without water and wider hooves for easier travel?
Animism & Islam
Islam was founded by who in the 600s CE?
What is a caliphate?
An Islamic Empire
Which enduring issue means "a new way of doing something" and is exemplified by Golden Age of Islam, Camels, the Compass, the Windmill, and new styles of Art?
Which trade network was based in West Africa and dominated local economies?
The Trans-Saharan Trade Routes (Daily Double #1)
Which West African emperor was included in the 1375 Catalan Atlas because of his immense wealth?
Mansa Musa
The holy book of Islam is called the
Among the many achievements of the Islamic Golden Age were windmills, the magnetic compass, modern medical tools, calligraphy, and a new kind of math. What was the new math called?
Which enduring issue means "control or influence over others" and is exemplified by the expansion of Caliphates, the rise of Islam, and the West African empires?
Which two major mineral resources helped make the kingdoms and empires in West Africa extremely wealthy?
Gold and Salt
The Empire of Ghana last from 300s CE to the 1200s CE. Why was West African farmers found the empire?
To protect themselves from raiders and invasions
During the Golden Age of Islam, there were two Islamic cities that dominated achivements, Baghdad (Iraq) and Cordoba (Spain). What are the three requirements for a golen age?
Peace, Prosperity, and Advancements
How did the Islamic caliphates in the Middle East and North Africa grow wealthy?
Control of major trade routes
Which enduring issue means "the state of not having enough" and is exemplified by the Gold-Salt Trade, Oasis in the Deserts, and Arab raiders attacking caravans?
When traders traveled to the West African empires, they were required to pay what?
A tribute ( a gift)
Mansa Musa traveled from Mali to Mecca from 1324 - 1325. What is the pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims make?
Hajj (Daily Double #2)
The Abbasid and Umayyad were both the names of two what?
Caliphates (Daily Double #3)
Muslims gave people of all faiths tolerance as long as they did what?
Pay a tax (Daily Double #4)
What enduring issue means "how we are affected by education, culture, religion, history, and science" and is exemplified by Mosques in West Africa and Ibn Battuta's journey
Impact of Ideas and Beliefs
The religion of Islam spread from Arabia to Africa, southern Europe, and eastern Asia by who?
The world's richest person ever ruled which empire?
True Fact! Islamic society preserved what the cultures of what two socities?
Greek and Roman
Islamic Caliphates quickly gained power in the Middle East by taking territory from the weakened Sassanid and Byzantine Empires. Why were both empires weak?
Which enduring issue means "how you are affected by being in contact with others" and is exemplified by Arab traders spreading Islam, Muslim scholars saving European culture, and trade routes?