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This post-colonial term would apply to this situation:

An American influencer in Nevada explains what Chinese astrology tells us about what to expect in 2025.

One of her predictions is that the Asian-American owned beauty salon in her town will be revealed as a front for human trafficking.

Then she does some yoga.

What is ambivalence?  (But also exoticism and "othering")


Paintings like the one below from Indian artist Raja Ravi Vharma embody this response to colonialism.

What is mimicry?

(I could also see an argument for hybridity.)


This image is an example of whish post colonial term?

What is exoticism?


This painting, "From Harem" by Turkish painter, Osman Hamdi Bey, challenges this colonial attitude towards Ottoman women.

What is exoticism?


Many of French artist, Paul Gauguin's, paintings of his time in Tahiti exemplify this post-colonial term.

What is exoticism?  


What TWO post-colonial terms are present in this scenario:

A prominent British celebrity opens a school for girls in South Africa.  Students who graduate from this school will have ALL of their college tuition paid for.

Students live at the school, cannot visit home except once a year, and are strongly encouraged to speak only proper British English.

What are assimilation and cultural hegemony?


British-Guyanese sculptor, Hew Locke, demonstrated this response to colonialism in his installation, "The Procession."

What is hybridity?


This post-colonial term is exemplified by the Siamese cat character's in Lady and the Tramp

What is "othering?"


Nigerian artist El Anatsui, who creates art out of trash resulting from globalisation, could be said to embody this post-colonial attitude.

What is cosmopolitanism?


This American live action adaptation of "the Nightingale" a fairy tale set in China but written by a swedish author, embodies this post-colonial term on MULTIPLE levels.

What is orientalism?


The following post-colonial term can be applied to this scenario:

American spirit mediums in the 1850's frequently "channeled" Native American "spirit guides" who would preach about why slavery should be abolished.

What is ambivalence? (although it's arguable also exoticism)


This response to colonialism is visible in the portrait of Japanes Emperor Meji below.

What is mimicry?


This representation of the galactic emperor Ming the Merciless in the Flash Gordon movie shows these TWO post-colonial terms

What is "othering" and orientalism?


This skin cream ad reveals the legacy of this post-colonial term:

What is mimicry?


This piece of WWII propaganda from Dr. Suess is an example of this post-colonial term:

What is "othering?"


We can find evidence of this post-colonial term in the following situation:

After a world war, the winning powers divide one of the defeated empires into multiple states.  

They decide State A will include the historical territory of three different ethnic groups and part of the territory of a fourth group.  This new state's constitution will be based on French law and be overseen by the French Army.  

State B will include the rest of the fourth ethnic group and two other groups' historical territory.  It will become part of the British commonwealth, with English as the official language, English law, and government officials appointed by English diplomates.

What is political hedgemony?


We see this post-colonial term when restaurants in Japan,Taiwan, and the Philippines begin offering patrons forks by default rather than chopsticks.

What is assimilation? 


This post-colonial term could be applied to ALL of the following super heroes who learn or enhance their powers from mysterious Asian masters.  A partial list includes: Dr. Strange, The Shadow, The Phantom, Wolverine, Iron Fist, Rogue, Dare Devil, and sometimes Batman.

What is orientalism?  (And maybe ambivalence?)


These post-colonial terms can be seen when Japanese fashion designer in the 1960's created a guide book to help Japanese youth dress like American college students, creating the first vigorous Japanese youth fashion movement.

What is mimicry, then hybridity, and also arguable cosmopolitanism?


ALL of these post-colonial terms could be applied to the following beloved Disney movie:

What is orientalism, exoticism, ambivalence, othering, cultural hegemony . . . 


BONUS-- The team with the most creative and accurate example of cultural hegemony will get these points.

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BONUS-- The team with the most creative and accurate example of mimicry will get these points.

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BONUS-- The team with the most creative and accurate example of "othering" in pop culture will get these points.

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BONUS-- The team with the most creative and accurate example of post-colonial ambivalence FELT BY THE COLONIZED will get these points.

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BONUS-- The team with the most creative and accurate example of exoticism in popular culture will get these points.

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