Expand KPU
Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
A degree that is given to a student by a college or university usually after four years of study?
Bachelor's degree
Money charged for teaching or instruction at a trade school, community college, or university?
Tuition fees
The typical college year is broken up into two semesters, named after these two seasons.
What are Fall and Spring?
What is an apprenticeship?
a trade program that leads to certification in a designated trade and allows you to earn money while you learn
A school that offers courses leading to a degree such as a bachelor’s or master’s degree?
What type of program pays you while you get trained?
This degree is shorter than a bachelor's degree and focuses on specific job training.
The main subject studied by a college student?
What are some thing you can do during high school to be more likely to earn a scholarship?
Join Clubs
Play sports
What type of financial aid do you have to pay back?
Student Loan
A second subject studied by a college or university student in addition to a main subject?
Name 5 Universities in BC
Capilano University
Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Royal Roads University
Thompson Rivers
University of the Fraser Valley
2 kinds of financial aid that you do not need to pay back.
Bursaries and Scholarships
Name 2 types of associate degrees.
Associate of Arts degree
Associate of Science degree
to earn: a student must complete 60 credits in a clearly defined program in first and second year university transfer courses. (these are awarded by colleges, universities and institutes)
What might be part of the admissions requirement?
1) How long does it generally take to complete a masters degree?
2) There is a another name for these type of students
1) Two years mostly
2) graduate students
Name 3 public institutes of B.C.
A recognized standard of excellence for skilled trades in Canada, that can be obtained through institutions like technical colleges or trade schools.
Red Seal
What is the difference between academic programs or vocational, career and technical programs?
Academic programs -> degrees
Vocational, career and technical programs -> certificates or diplomas. (Teach skills for specific jobs)
An organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests.