Name one of the three different college systems in California.
What is UC, CSU, or CCC
What's something that helps you land an interview?
What's a Resume, Cover Letter, or Networking/Connections
What are the easiest online businesses to start?
What is a content creator, personal trainer, twitch streamer, etc.
What is the group of people, set of ideas, or beliefs that keep you grounded called?
What are values, Goals, Community, Action plan.
Self Care: the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's health. How do you practice self-care?
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Things you should consider when deciding on which college to attend.
What is distance from home, cost, majors offered, size, extracurriculars available, diversity, etc.
What's an online tool that can help you connect with other professionals?
What is LinkedIn?
What are some trades you can take on?
Plumber, Electrician, Home Inspector, Construction Manager, Civil Engineering Tech.
What motivates you to succeed?
True or False: Can you receive mental health services through college?
Average time it takes to graduate college
What is 5 years?
When you're expanding your social network to increase opportunities?
What's Networking
What is the name of a well known trade school in Oakland
What is Cypress Mandela?
What does your dream job look like?
What's a tool to help you manage your time?
Google Calender, Planer, Sticky Notes, Reminders, etc.
Term that refers to your main course of study
What is a major?
Where do you go to search for jobs?, Craigslist, College Career Center,,
What is the highest Salary you can make through Cypress Mandela's offered trades?
What is 120,000.
What keeps you motivated even when you don't feel like it?
Will Power
What's one thing you're proud of yourself for?
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What is the degree you earn after completing a 2-year/CC Program?
What is a Bachelor's Degree
Where on a college campus can I find jobs or career opportunities?
What is the career center.
What trade is most commonly filled by post-high school graduate students?
What comes first, Motivation or Action?
What is Action.
An affirmation is a sentence of powerful words, like a positive statement. Give yourself an affirmation.
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