Chart Strategies
Important Vocab
Standard 8.1/8.3- Short Story Q's
Standard 8.1/8.3-Information

When is RAACE used and what does it stand for?

RACCE is used when working on a short response. It stands for Restate the question, Answer the question, CC cite two pieces of evidence, and Elaborate on how your evidence connects to your claim.


What does the word "inference" mean?

Textual evidence + your own knowledge and thinking


Which event occurs as a direct result of Raheem flirting with the redhead girl.

A.) It leads the narrator to get mad when Raheem is seen kissing the red head girl.

B.) It leads the narrator to question her feelings towards Raheem 

C.) It leads Raheem to makeout with the redhead girl at the end of the story

D.) All of the above



What does standard 8.1 focus on?

making inferences based on evidence

finding evidence to support inferences


Why is context necessary?

It provides background information to the reader about what has happened in a particular scene. It makes your ideas clear.


What does it mean to propel the action of a story forward?

To push forward the plot of the story 


Which of the narrators actions in the following scene display she is easy to manipulate? 

"i get mad...He tickles my neck. ' Come on baby. Don't be like that.' Say it's me and  him forever...I give in. Tell him what he wants to hear--I'll take the bus by myself. I'll do your homework, wash your clothes, lend you money, anything...just keep being my Boo."

A.) She justifies his wrongdoings.

B.) She argues with him.

C.) She surrenders to him.

D.) She makes a point.


How do important lines of dialogue/important scenes reveals aspects of a character?

They can reveal aspects like: their feelings, thoughts, attitudes, traits, motivations, etc.


When you are asked to think about the development of the conflict, what must you focus on?

the beginning, middle, and end.


What is plot?

Series of events that makeup a story. The way a story progresses. The rising action, climax, falling action...


Which sentence best supports the idea that Andy realizes the Royal title was not worth it? 

A.) "He wondered if Laura was dancing, wondered if she had missed him yet."

B.) "Had they stabbed him Andy or had they simply known that he was wearing a purple silk jacket."

C.) "I don't want to die, he thought. I haven't lived yet."

D.) "'A Royal' he said. Then he began writing."



In what ways can characters develop as a result of the conflict?

1. change something about themselves

2. come to a realization

3. deal with the consequences 


How can one elaborate on their evidence? 

1. Explain what the evidence shows 

2. Explain the importance of the evidence

3. Explain how the evidence connects to the claim

4. Extend thinking 


What are the definitions of foreshadow, suspense, and flashback?

foreshadow: A warning, hint, and/or indication of a future event in the story.  

suspense: When the author creates situations that make readers feel tense.

flashback: When the author interrupts the sequence of a story to provide readers with background information.


What most likely motivates Andy to take his jacket off? 

A.) His feelings for Laura.

B.) His desire to be himself.

C.) His attempt to remove his title. 

D.) His decision to prove that he's not a Royal. 



When you are given an inference, you should support that inference with _______________from the text.

When you are given evidence, you can create _______________based on that evidence.




Define the different types of conflicts. 

Character vs. Character: when the character argues, or has a problem with another character. 

Character vs. Self: When the character struggles with their beliefs/feelings.

Character vs. Society: When the character feels like they are part of an unfair society. 


What are some ways in which important lines of dialogue or important scenes can propel the action of a story?


1.) causing characters to change/take action in some way 

2.) causing an important scene/incident to take place

3.) displaying a conflict and showing how they respond

4.) building suspense which leads to an important scene.
