The quote on quote most basic class in DND
This character's writers never want him to be happy for longer than a few issues
This dub is so famous that it has been re-subbed and shown in Japan
Ghost Stories
The number of great rings that were made
This is the largest and most fanatical group in Warhammer 40K
The Space Marines
This race can kill a tarrasque as a level-one Warlock
Who originally created Ultron
Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym
In the Pokemon anime, rice balls were renamed into this treat
Jelly Donuts
These characters leave at the end of the trilogy
Gandalf/Bilbo/Frodo/The Elves
During the prelude to the clone wars, the galaxy had this kind of government
Democratic Republic
The first member of Vox Machina to die
Pike Trickfoot
This Image Comics character is half Kaiju
Fire Breather
This normally male character was changed to a female in the dreamwork's adaptation of Voltron
Kaite "Pidge Gunderson" Holt
This is the main base of the Nazgul
Minas Morgal
Typically horse shoes need to be reset after this many weeks
This class has the least amount of subclasses
This comic company is famous for comics about Star Wars and Avatar: The last Airbender
Dark Horse Comics
Astrid's name in the books
The river that Tom Bombadil lives near
The Phi value of 2
This skill check has been found to be used the least
Batman's Favorite Robin
The first American-created villain in the Power Rangers franchise
Lord Zed
This character saved Frodo from the Nazgul
This is the national animal of Honduras
White tailed deer