This is the name given to the generation born after the end of WW2
Baby Boom/Boomers
This political and economic ideology was supported by the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War
This German city saw the symbolic fight between Democracy and Communism throughout the Cold War
Bay of Pigs
This man won the Presidency in 1968, promising to seek peace in the Cold War (Detente). He ultimately caused more distrust in the US after the bombing of Cambodia in 1969
Richard Nixon
A strong proponent of reimplementing anti-soviet military policies, this man became President after Jimmy Carter in 1980
Ronald Reagan
This system, created by Eisenhower, drastically cut travel time in the US and allowed for faster transportation of military supplies in case of attack
Interstate Highway System
This idea, named after the President who created it, says that the United States will give assistance to any country under the treat of communist takeover
Truman Doctrine
This North Asian peninsula became one of the first places to see aggression between communist and democratic forces in 1950
This event, taking place October 16–28 of 1962, was arguably the closest the world has ever been to nuclear war
Cuban Missile Crisis
A peanut farmer from Georgia, he became the 39th President of the United States in 1977. He pushed for the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT) between the US and the Soviets
Jimmy Carter
The INF treaty was signed in 1987 between the Soviets and the Unites States as a way to stop the creation of medium and short range versions this type of weapon
Nuclear Weapons
This piece of technology allowed culture to grow faster than ever, letting Americans see things in a whole new way
The Television
His policy of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) promised a total and irrecoverable response by the US to any nuclear attack on American soil
Dwight D. Eisenhower
When Stalin blocked off West Berlin from the rest of the Allies in West Germany, Truman devised this operation that brought in supplies and kept the city alive until Stalin backed down
Berlin Airlift
In May of 1961, JFK sent 500 special advisors to this Southeast Asian country to assist its pro-democratic government
Draft card burnings and campus demonstrations were popular forms of protest to this Cold War Era conflict
Vietnam War
The fall of this controversial landmark in 1989 saw the symbolic end of the Cold War
The Berlin Wall
Elvis Presley
This plan said that the US would give financial aid to any European country, USSR included, to help them rebuild after WW2
Marshall Plan
This country turned to communism soon after WW2 and sided with North Korea in the Korean war
He became President in 1963 after Kennedy's assassination, ultimately escalating American involvement in Vietnam a short time later
Lyndon B. Johnson
This infamous political scandal saw an executive cover-up and ultimately led to the resignation of the President of the United States
The Watergate Scandal
The end of the cold war came with the fall of the Soviet Union in this year, although many view the conflict as continuing today
This was the name given to the over-sensationalized fear of communists in America following the increase of the USSRs world influence after WW2
The Red Scare/McCarthyism
This organization formed a treaty between the US and its North Atlantic allies. An attack on one is an attack on all
The Korean War ultimately ended in a stalemate at this geographical dividing line between the two countries
38th Parallel
An incident in this Asian/Pacific gulf saw a congressional resolution that gave LBJ authority to escalate American involvement in the conflict
Gulf of Tonkin
The Camp David Accords, led by Jimmy Carter, saw the first Arab nation (Egypt) recognize this countries right to exist for the first time in its brief history
The United States gave weapons and aid to this Middle Eastern country who passed it on to the Contras to fight communist forces in Nicaragua, a violation of the Boland Agreement