The "Leaders of Democracy" in a cartoon believed that this policy toward Germany could prevent war. (Show stepping stones of Democracy political cartoon)
What is appeasement?
NATO was initially formed to do this.
What is defend Western Europe from Soviet aggression?
Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech is associated with this historical period.
What is the Cold War?
The Soviet Union and its allies formed this alliance in response to NATO.
What is the Warsaw Pact?
Who were the targets of the "hunters" described in this passage?
What is German Jews?
A later development what changed the situation shown in the cartoon. (Show stepping stones of Democracy political cartoon)
What is World War II?
The impact of geographic factors in a cartoon most closely resembles this historical event. (Show political cartoon)
What is Napoleon’s invasion of Russia?
Churchill’s "Iron Curtain" speech supports this U.S. foreign policy.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
NATO and Warsaw Pact was formed as a direct result of what?
What is the conflicts between the Cold War?
Which event is described in this excerpt from the New York Times?
use of a deadly new weapon against Japan
The similarity between two leaders in a cartoon is that both created this type of government. (Show married couple political cartoon)
What is a totalitarian state?
This event resulted in the use of a deadly new weapon against Japan.
What is the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
The "iron curtain" described by Churchill separated these two political ideologies.
What are communism and non-communism?
This U.S. commitment focused on stopping the spread of communism?
What is the Truman Doctrine?
"But this trial has shown that under the stress of a national crisis, ordinary men–even able and extraordinary men–can delude [fool] themselves into the commission of crimes and atrocities so vast and heinous [terrible] that they beggar [shock] the imagination." –Judgment at Nuremberg This quotation is referring to the
actions taken against Jews and others in the Holocaust
The term is most closely associated with the event shown in this cartoon. (Show Poland cartoon)
What is blitzkrieg?
The immediate action taken after the distribution of the 1945 Allied pamphlet warning Japan.
..."You should take steps now to cease military resistance. Otherwise, we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war."... -- Allied pamphlet, 1945
What is Japan’s unconditional surrender?
The destruction of Jewish homes and businesses in Germany in 1938 refers to this event.
What is Kristallnacht?
This Cold War policy is closely associated with a featured event on the exam map.
What is containment?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. . . . Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. . . . Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. What event is described?
What is the Holocaust?
A cartoon illustrating military proliferation suggests that an increase in these could destroy the world. (Show political cartoon)
What are military weapons?
The described timeline in the exam resulted in this international consequence. (Show timeline)
What is the formation of the United Nations?
As a direct result of this event the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
What is Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor.
This massive post-WWII American economic program helped rebuild Western Europe.
What is the Marshall Plan?
It was dangerous to stand out from the crowd because of illness or any other reason. Once a prisoner became known to the guards, he or she was a target for abuse or "special" treatment. By staying invisible, by being nothing more than the number tattooed on your forearm, you stood a chance of living longer. Disappearing in the crowd helped Helen stay alive for the two months she was in Auschwitz. During this time, she survived three more selections by Dr. Mengele. In the last, she was one of 300 women and teenage girls chosen to go to another barrack. Helen took this as a hopeful sign, because those selected for the gas chamber were never counted. Rumor soon spread that the women were going to be moved to a labor camp.
Which course of action was taken in response to the atrocities described in this passage?
What is the holding of criminal trials at Nuremberg?