Post WWII/Misc.
Cold War Policies
JFK to Nixon
Civil Rights Era
Carter to Obama

What is the GI Bill? List 2 benefits. 

Government program to help returning veterans adjust to civilian life.  

College Money/Home Loans/Business Loans/Unemployment Benefits.

GI Bill=Middle Class, Suburbanization, Baby Boom


What was the outcome of the Korean War? 

Stalemate, Communism contained to North Korea along the 38th Parallel.  

Korean War=Containment Successful 


What was the Domino Theory and what conflict did this theory led the United States into? 

If one country falls to communism the others around it will eventually fall to communism.

Vietnam War 

Domino Theory/Vietnam War 


How did the strategies of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X differ in regards to the Civil Rights Movement.  

Dr. King focused on Civil Disobedience while Malcolm X had a more aggressive approach. 

Boycotts/sit ins/marches


The 1960s started a time period known as Third Wave Immigration.  Where did most of these immigrants come from? 

What event led to the Persian Gulf War? (Operation Desert Storm) 

Latin America and Asia

Invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein for oil

Persian Gulf/Hussein/Kuwait/Oil


What contributed to the baby boom?

GI Bill, Large number of soldiers returning from WWII.  U.S. economic prosperity, people have more money.

Baby Boom=Economic Security 


What was the MAIN goal of the following U.S. policies towards Communism; Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and Eisenhower Doctrine? 




What legislation outlawed racial segregation in the United States? 

What program was this legislation a part of? 

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Great Society

Civil Rights Act ends segregation 


What major Supreme Court case was seen as the catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement? 

Brown V. Board of Education 

Brown V. Board of Education desegregation of schools.  


Which political party is associated with the New Right? 

Which political party is associated with the New Left? 



1960s/70s creates new political platforms


What event led President Eisenhower to start the Space Race? 

Launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union.

Sputnik starts Space Race 


What was the main goal of the Marshall Plan?  

How did the U.S. use the Marshall Plan in order to achieve this goal? 

Rebuild war town Europe so it would have strong economies and be able to resist communism.

Provided money to help rebuild.

Marshall Plan prevent spread of Communism.  


What role did television play in the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights movement? 

People for the first time could see what was happening leading to a credibility gap between the people and the government.  

TV=Credibility Gap/Vietnam/Civil Rights


Who was the outspoken critic of the Equal Rights Amendment? 

Who wrote Feminine Mystique? 

What movement were both of these a part of? 

Phyllis Schlafly

Betty Friedan 

Women's Rights

Women's Rights/Friedan/Schlafly 


What is OPEC? 

What president was associated with the energy crisis?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 

Jimmy Carter 

Carter/OPEC/Energy Crisis/Green Energy 


What event led to the passage of the War Powers Resolution?

What is the War Powers Resolution? 

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution/Incident/Vietnam War

War Powers Resolution reverses Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.  


What organization was formed by the United States and many Western European countries to counter Communism?  

What organization was formed by the Soviet Union to counter the above organization? 

What was the name of the metaphorical barrier that separated the two? 

NATO:  North Atlantic Treaty Organization 

Warsaw Pact

Iron Curtain

NATO response to Communism in Europe 


How was LBJ's Great Society Programs similar to that of FDRs New Deal? 

Relied on deficit spending to fund government social programs.  

Great Society extension of New Deal 


What did the Pentagon Papers, Kent State Protests, and the My Lai Massacre have in common? 

All continued to cause more distrust within the federal government/credibility gap

Credibility Gap/Vietnam 


What was the major event that had a negative impact on Jimmy Carter's presidency?

What event was seen as a major success of Jimmy Carter's presidency? 

Iranian Hostage Crisis

Camp David Accords

Carter/Iranian Hostage Crisis 


How was the dispute in Florida voter ballots in the Presidential Election of 2000 decided? 

What two major events directly followed the 9/11 attacks?  (Not Operation Iraqi Freedom, that came a few years later)

What agreement led by Barrack Obama is similar to that of the EPA? 

Supreme Court Case Bush V. Gore 

Operation Enduring Freedom (Invasion of Afghanistan to pursue Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden) Patriot Act 

Paris Climate Agreement/Accords

EPA/Paris Climate Accords


What was the Gulf of Tonkin incident? 

This led to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.  What was that?

What was the overall outcome of the Vietnam War? 

North Vietnamese fire on a U.S. ship in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Passed by Congress giving LBJ a blank check and the means to protect Vietnam at all costs. 

Containment Failed/Communism spread throughout the country 

Gulf of Tonkin/Blank Check/War Power/Vietnam


What is New Federalism? 

What political party would most likely support this policy? 

What two major programs (social programs) was New Federalism a response to? 

Directing federal money to the states. 


New Deal and Great Society

New Federalism=state power 


Why was the Warren Court so important to the different Civil Rights Movements in the 60's and early 70's?

What group did the court often side with? 

Sided with minorities and marginalized groups upholding key Civil Rights Legislation.  

Warren Court/Civil Rights/Minorities


What cold war policy of Richard Nixon did Ronald Reagan reject? 

What was Reagan's main focus that eventually led to the end of the Cold War? 

What is NAFTA and what was a major criticism of the program? 


Outspending the Soviet Union in an arms race they couldn't match.  

North American Free Trade Agreement:  Led to outsourcing of U.S. Jobs to Mexico 

NAFTA/U.S. job outsourcing
