Who makes Wolf miserable with his Post-its?
How do we know that Frost's mother became less popular over time?
She had fewer and fewer signatures in her yearbook.
Why is it ironic that the school bans Post-its?
They are a basic school supply.
What is the first thing that happens that makes Bench separate himself from the "Tribe"?
Rose sits at their lunch table.
Who causes the "Tribe" to fall apart? Think outside the box.
Why does Wolf get so upset about the Post-its Rose receives?
He is devastated by the mean Post-its that he receives and can't believe Rose feels differently.
Why is it so awkward when Rose comes to Frost's house?
Frost has never had a girl visit him before, and he wants an excuse to show that she's not his "girlfriend"
Who is the narrator? Why does he have the nickname he does?
Frost. He won a poetry contest. Nickname comes from the poet Robert Frost.
Why doesn't banning Post-its change anything?
The words that had been written on the Post-its had caused so much harm already.
Why is it important that Wolf loses control of his emotions in English class?
It shows how badly he has been hurt by Jason's bullying.
Why does Dee Dee get angry with Bench?
Bench was the only one who could have told people about Dee Dee's die.
Why does Dee Dee have such a hard time letting Rose join the Dungeons and Dragons game?
He wants to follow all of the rules and cannot imagine doing anything else.
Why does the early bird get the worm but the second mouse get the cheese?
The first bird sees the worm and can eat it. The first mouse gets caught in the trap.
What happens that makes Rose decide to run the gauntlet?
To save Dee Dee from having his head dunked in the toilet.
Why won't Rose's offer to leave the group change anything?
Things cannot go back to the way they were. Bench has left the group to be a part of the "cool" crowd. All of the group, not just Wolf, has come to like Rose.
How does Bench show that he is superficial (looks only at the surface of things)? N
He leaves the group because he does not want to be associated with Rose.
He chooses to hang out with the football team to be cool even though they didn't accept him before "The Catch"
Why did the author tell about Evan Smalls (a character who appears once in the novel) running the gauntlet?
Give two reasons
To show how dangerous the gauntlet was.
To explain what the gauntlet was so it was clear what Rose hoped to do.
What makes Rose's successful run of the gauntlet so surprising? (Give two reasons)
She doesn't even own a bike, and she barely fits on Frost's.
She hits a tree and almost wipes out and then later she lifts off the ground briefly.
Cameron seems to be in the lead almost to the end.
How does Rose prove that she's really a member of the "Tribe"?
She joins in the Dungeons and Dragons game and is the one who saves Wolf and Frost.
The fireworks that go off when the BMS (Bench's team) team enters the field are pathetic. Why is that fitting?
The football team has never been any good. Their record in the previous season was 0-11, showing that they were a pathetic team.
Why is Rose so well-informed?
When she lived in Chicago she spent much of her time at the library reading.
Why does Frost think that Wolf is the greatest genius of them all?
He can play the piano, seemingly without error, which is hard because he cannot edit what he has done.
Why does Rose take Moose as a part of her Dungeons and Dragons name?
By taking the name, she is making it her own, not something that is insulting. If she calls herself Moose, it does not matter if others do.
Dee Dee wrote the first Post-it note. However, he wasn't the one who started everything? Who was?
Ruby Sandels
Frost suggests that the end of the war would not be something written. What does his comment foreshadow?
Cameron attacking Frost and Dee Dee in the bathroom.