How many years has Oompaville been doing YouTube?
15 years
The United States bought Alaska from which country?
What is the hardest natural substance on earth?
Which country has the largest population in the world?
What movie is this line from? "Say hello to my little friend?"
What is the worlds largest ocean?
What kind of video's did TurkeyTom make when he first started YouTube?
Chris stuckman style Movie Reviews
Where did Albert Einstein live before moving to the US?
Which is the most abundant element in the universe?
What is the Capital of Canada?
Which star wars actor voices batman: the animated series?
Mark Hamill
What country has the most natural lakes?
What was Wendigoon's first standalone iceberg video?
Star Wars Iceberg
Who was the first ruler of the Mongol empire?
Genghis Khan
What is the name of the tallest grass on earth?
What U.S. state is home to no documented snakes?
What singer famously performed with an albino burmese python at the MTV music awards?
Britney Spears
What is a male duck called?
A drake
What was Brandon Buckingham's first car?
PT cruiser
What do the stripes on the American Flag represent?
The original 13 colonies
What is the only rock that floats?
What is the name of the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
What sports team is Will Smith a part time owner of?
The Philly 76ers
What kind of flower was used as a type of currency?
What is Wendigoons Most Viewed Video?
The Monster Beneath Us: The Monument Mythos
During which year was the Christmas Truce called?
What's the heaviest organ in the human body?
The liver
How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?
What pill did neo pick in the matrix? Red or Blue?
How many hearts does an octupus have?
What year was TurkeyTom's Channel made?
Who fought in the hundred year war?
Britin and France
Which blood type is the rarest in humans?
AB negative
What is the name of the second tallest mountain in the world?
What was the highest grossing movie of 2023 before it was dethroned by Avatar: The Way of Water?
Top Gun: Maverick
What is the name of the boat in Jaws?
The Orca
What year did Oompaville taser his balls?
When was Julius Caesar assassinated?
Mar 5 44 BC
What is the only planet that spins clockwise?
What is the lowest point of the U.S.?
Death Valley
Who is the most followed person on Instagram?
Cristiano Ronaldo
Which country consumes the most chocolate per capita?
What weight did Brandon weigh in at at his professional boxing debut?
What was the exact date WW1 officially ended?
Nov 11 1918
What is it called when a lizard regrows its tail?
Epimorphic regeneration
How many U.S. states share a border with Canada?
What is the most watched YouTube video of all time?
Baby Shark Dance
Which fast food chain has the most significant number of outlets worldwide?