What is the name of the screening?
Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Screening
Signs and symptoms
sadness, emotional highs and lows, disconnect, loneliness, anxiety
Signs and symptoms
anxiety, irritability, intrusive thoughts, anger, sadness
What is social work's main goal?
to ensure the patient is set up for success and resources are available as needed after discharge
Do all delivered patients receive discharge education about PPD and baby blues?
When are patients screened?
The day of discharge
How long does baby blues usually last?
less than 2 weeks
Risk factors
History of anxiety, mood disorders, family history, inadequate social support, prior pregnancy loss
Does a follow up appointment need to be made before the patient can be discharged?
yes, or instructed to be made if clinic is closed on the weekends
Key things to assess and document between mom and baby
Bonding with baby, attentive to cues, participating in care?
The screening pertains to how the patient has felt in the last _ days
Around what time does baby blues start?
2-3 days postpartum
It is classified as postpartum depression if the symptoms last longer than _ weeks
Does every patient get seen by social work?
If _ or above is scored on the PPD screening, it calls for a positive screening
Are all patients screened?
Should the mom be concerned if she is experiencing baby blues?
No, this is completely normal. Doctor should be notified if her symptoms have not gotten better after two weeks.
If the mom has PPD, name some ways the infant would be at risk
neglect, needs not being met
Name some reasons why social work would get involved
History of depression, anxiety, abuse, previous CPS cases, late prenatal care
What members of the team can be utilized to help provide treatment resources prior to discharge?
pastoral care, case management, mental health specialists
It is a positive screen if the patient answers anything other than "never" on this question
"The thought of harming myself has occurred to me."
Main difference between baby blues and postpartum depression
Baby blues often resolve on its own before two weeks. If feelings of sadness continues, then it can progress to PPD
After discharge, what symptoms would the mom experience that would indicate she needs to call the doctor?
intrusive thoughts, thoughts of harming baby or herself
If the PPD screen score indicates a positive/high risk screen, what should your first action be
Notify the doctor and case management
What is the best thing nurses can provide to their patients?