High School
Paying for College
Graduation Requirements

What does G.P.A. stand for?

What is Grade Point Average.


Often called an undergraduate degree. This is a common path for students after high school. This typically takes about 4 years.

What is a Bachelor Degree.


Free money for college that you never have to pay back!

What is a scholarship!


Website that helps to plan, apply, and pay for college. 

What is College Foundation of North Carolina.


People in this building that are specifically trained to help explore colleges and careers.

Who are your School Counselors!


You are in high school and have four classes. In English 1 you have a B, in science, you have a C, in Health and PE you have an A, and in math, you have a C. What is your GPA?

What is 2.75.


This follows a Master's Degree. It can take 2 to 8 years to complete. It is the highest level of academic degree. You can get this in different areas such as medical, psychology, religion, philosophy, etc.

What is a Doctorate.


Money that is borrowed and you must pay back for education.

What is a loan.


Positive attitude, strong work ethic, and good communication skills.

What are soft skills.


The three subjects that require 4 credits each to graduate high school in North Carolina.

What are English, Math, and Social Studies.


A high school in McDowell County where you can focus on areas such as engineering, nursing, HVAC and landscaping, and receive a high school diploma while at the same time earning certificates and possibly an associates degree.

What is McDowell Academy for Innovations (MAI).


A 2-year degree after high school.

What is an Associate Degree.


College Application Week is what?

What is a week during the fall when some colleges waive their application fees.


The number one reason a person will lose their job according to heads of human resources at companies in McDowell County. 

What is poor attendance.


The subject that requires 3 credits to graduate high school. 

What is Science. 


A school in McDowell County that offers the opportunity to earn an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science to transfer to a college or university. 80% of the students must be a first-generation college student

What is McDowell Early College (MEC). 


This is first level of graduate studies. You must already hold a bachelor's degree. It can take anywhere from one year to three years to complete. It is a way to take a particular study and go deeper to increase your knowledge.

What is a Master's Degree.


Similar to scholarships, this funding source typically from the government, provides financial assistance that does not have to be repaid.

What is a grant.


A Career Inventory is a tool on CFNC that explores what?

What is a person's interests, skills, and values that fits into what they want to do for employment.


Number of credits required to graduate high school, in Physical Education. 

What is one credit. 


Career and College Promise is what?

What is a dual-enrollment program that allows you to receive high school and college credits at the same time for free while attending high school.


Provides education in a specific area (welding) and can be completed anywhere from 10 weeks to a year.

What is a Certificate.


The federal application that students fill out to determine their financial aid eligibility.

What is the FAFSA. 

(Free Application for Federal Student Aid)


NC Works Career Center (on Baldwin Ave.) is a place that people can go to do what? 

What is to find a job opening, get help with writing a resume, get job certifications, and more.


Two credits required for entry into the UNC university system but not required to graduate high school.

What is 2 credits in a foreign language.
