Most children start to show interest in potty training around this age.
What is two years old?
Keeping medicines and cleaning supplies in a child proof container
What is bathroom safety?
Common signs your toddler might need to use the bathroom
What is squirming, squatting, holding their genital area?
Baby is sleeping in their crib alone and on their back.
What is safe sleep?
Your child can follow simple instructions and stays dry for at least 2 hours at a time
What are signs your child is ready to potty train?
Teaching your daughter to do this can help prevent bacteria from spreading
What is wiping front to back?
An extra pair of underwear, clothes, plastic bags, disposable potty seat covers, training pants, and wet wipes
What are items in an emergency kit?
A type of brain injury that happens when a baby is shaken violently.
What is shaken baby syndrome?
My child won't use the toilet, or child says no to using the toilet
What are problems during potty training?
What is leading by example?
Age where babies can be introduced to solid foods.
What is 6 months old?
This can make the potty training process longer.
What is a starting too early?
Most important thing parents can do during potty training process
What is be patient?
Important vitamins to take daily while pregnant during postpartum.
What is prenatal vitamins?
Most children complete potty training by this age
What is 3 years old?
Doing this after using the bathroom will decrease the spread of germs
What is handwashing?
This can come in handy while teaching your child to properly wash their hands after each use of the potty
What is a stepping stool?
Smoking or vaping around your baby.
What is second hand smoke?