This is the term for a baby chicken.
What is a chick?
what does a walnut comb look like
What is walnut
Long, shiny attractive tail feathers
What is sickle feathers
Where is the claw on a chicken
What is on the feet
How many toes does a chicken have?
What is 4 to 5
The chicks in the brooder are gathered tightly under the heat source.
What is -- the chicks are cold?
A chicken with puffy feathers is also called
What is fluffy
where is a hock on a chicken
What is above the leg
what is the highest weight a male chicken reaches
What is 12 pounds
Common brooder heat source.
What is a heat lamp?
where is a spur on a chicken
What is above the claw
How many parts are in a feather
What is 5
Proper temperature in the brooder for day-old chicks
What is 95 degrees?
what comb is long and has a point
What is spiked rose
A name for immature feathers
What is pinfeathers
where is a shank on a chicken
What is above the spur
what continent raises chickens
What is all of them
First things chicks need upon arrival.
What is water?
How many types of combs are there
What is 9
Feathers are made of this, the same thing which makes up finger nails
What is Keratin
Where is the hackle on a chicken
What is the neck
how many hours does it take to form an egg
What is 23 to 32