Understanding Poverty
Brain Function and Poverty
Relationships and Support
Mindset and Motivation
Classroom Strategies

According to Eric Jensen, poverty is not just a lack of financial resources but also includes deficiencies in these areas.

What are emotional, mental, and social resources?


Chronic stress associated with poverty can negatively impact the development of this brain region, critical for higher-order thinking.

What is the prefrontal cortex?


Jensen emphasizes the importance of providing this type of support to help students in poverty succeed academically.

What is emotional and social support?


According to Jensen, fostering this mindset in students can help them overcome challenges and achieve success.

What is a growth mindset?


Jensen emphasizes the importance of incorporating these types of activities to engage students in poverty and enhance their learning experience.

What are hands-on and experiential activities?


Jensen describes poverty as a chronic condition that affects individuals in these three main ways.

What are physiological, emotional, and cognitive ways?


Jensen suggests that poverty often leads to a deficiency in these cognitive functions, crucial for planning and problem-solving.

What are executive functions?


According to Jensen, this type of relationship with an adult is crucial for buffering the negative effects of poverty on children.

What is a stable, supportive relationship?


Jensen suggests that educators should help students in poverty set these types of goals to promote motivation and engagement.

What are short-term and achievable goals?


According to Jensen, educators should use these strategies to connect classroom learning to students' real-life experiences and backgrounds.

What are culturally relevant teaching strategies?


This percentage of students in public schools in the United States come from low-income families, according to statistics cited by Jensen.

What is approximately 50%?


Poverty can affect this aspect of brain development, which is crucial for language and literacy skills.

What is the development of neural connections?


Jensen suggests that schools should provide this type of environment to foster a sense of belonging and security for students in poverty.

What is a safe and nurturing environment?


He argues that educators should focus on building this aspect of students' self-perception to enhance their academic performance.

What is self-efficacy?


Jensen suggests that educators should provide these types of opportunities for students in poverty to develop their skills and interests.

What are enrichment and extracurricular activities?


Jensen argues that educators must understand the culture of poverty to effectively do this in the classroom.

What is build relationships and trust with students?


Jensen emphasizes the importance of providing these types of experiences to stimulate brain development in children living in poverty.

What are enriched and stimulating experiences?


Research cited by Jensen indicates that positive relationships with adults can help mitigate the effects of poverty on this aspect of student development.

What is academic achievement?


Jensen discusses the importance of providing opportunities for students in poverty to develop these skills, essential for academic and life success.

What are problem-solving and critical thinking skills?


He argues that educators should use these instructional techniques to accommodate the diverse needs of students in poverty.

What are differentiated instruction techniques?


According to Jensen, this is a critical step for educators to take to help students in poverty succeed academically.

What is set high expectations for all students?


According to research cited by Jensen, chronic stress in poverty can result in difficulties in regulating this physiological response, crucial for learning and behavior.

What is the stress response system (or cortisol levels)?


Jensen argues that educators should provide this type of support to help students in poverty develop resilience and persistence.

What is encouragement and motivation?


According to Jensen, educators should provide this type of feedback to students in poverty to reinforce their effort and progress.

What is positive and constructive feedback?


According to Jensen, these types of classroom environments can help students in poverty feel safe, valued, and motivated to learn.

What are positive and supportive classroom environments?
