Zak wouldn’t let us listen to this song because of the profanity
What is gives you hell
What ex Eagles player were we related to
Who is Travis raciti
What kind of pets did mom and dad have when they lived together? Bonus point for a name.
What are birds? Who is Sysco
the capital of Guatemala
Where is Guatemala City
What is hanging above pops bed
What are 2 mirrors
Who was zak’s kindergarten teacher
Who is nagel
1 car carley drove in high school (kind and color)
White mustang, green gmc envoy
What instrument did carley infamously play? Extra points if you can tell me her haircut at the time
What is saxophone, bob
Feet in a mile
Has Pop ever been shot? If yes, who shot him
What is no
What bone did zak’s chameleon break
What is arm
How much did J weigh when she was born
What is 6 pounds 14 ounces
What happened that caused Brenna to leave the concert she was at when j was being born
president when Berlin Wall came down
Who is reagan
Where does pop typically sleep in a hotel
Where is the bathtub
What happened to cause zak to get a goose egg on his head and brenna had to go pick him up
Fell face forward off his bike
Where was J’s first flight to?
Where is key west
What did dad step on in the yard that caused his foot to crack open
A half broken glass
Miles to the sun
Name 2 pop coworkers
Who is Steve and Steve
What was zak’s gecko named
What is denzel
Carley threw a banger and this piece of the outdoor landmarks got ripped out of the ground
What is the street sign Stratford & West
Why did Pop start swimming?
What is Pop brought home metals and Pop wanted one, so he swam
First giggly squad episode
When is October 19 2020
What was the one thing pop was desperately needing but couldn’t get while in the army?
What is a Q tip