Goals of Warm-up
Like you/Trust you
Teach you something
Make you feel special
4 pillars of urgency
Urgent Need
What is the price of a black Home Depot window?
1414 or 1523
Term length for a $29,967 project at ceiling
132 months
Goals of company story
Trust power
Only Power
Commitment to getting the job done right
15 Minute appointment layout
12 minute warm-up
2 minute urgency
1 minute price conditioning
Benefits of black bag
Save money, save time, peace of mind, increased equity, healthier living
Goals of the give up
Lower resistance with time and fear of loss
"I'll do 4 quick things for you Mr. Jones....."
Tell you about the company
measure and inspect the windows
go over styles and options
work up your numbers
5 Rules of double tempered glass
Stairwell, Bathroom, 18" from the ground, 30 Sq.Ft., Within 2' of door
Explain hard coat Low-E like you are doing heat lamp
tin or zinc..
Cancel Script... GO
Judge Jordan
Where do you get a tie down during company story?
Repeat customers
What are the 3 facts in the pitch about our Johns-Mansville blown-in insulation?
Flame Retardant, Formaldehyde free, Non-settling
Explain Heatshield like you are doing heat lamp...
Judge Jordan
Finish this script...
Now Mr. Jones, when you move this to a decision you're going to ask yourself 3 maybe 4 questions..
judge Jordan
What are the 3 levels of the warm-up?
1 - Talk about the hot button
2 - Seeing the hot button
3 - Physically doing or being taught the hot button
Window 1... GO
Judge answer
Intro to pella slide... go
Judge Jordan
Objection: Think about it..
What do you say after I agree to the 90% of in 2310..
Serious about getting the job done
Not the fact you need to think about it
its really just the price..