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what are Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw
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who is Miss Fran
other acceptable answers include she-goblin and scum of the earth
who played the twins on Suite Life of Zach and Cody
Who are Dylan and Cole Sprouse
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what music video caused controversy due to Miley Cyrus being naked
What is Wrecking Ball
What game show did the original 5 members of one direction meet on
what is "The X Factor"
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who is Pocahontas
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When was March 13th
what Britany Spears song is the most popular
What is Baby One More Time
a photo of what food beat Kylie Jenner for most liked photo on Instagram
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Amelias first crush
who is Joe Royal :/
Which Disney princesses are the only two to have two living parents
Who are Mulan and Merida
who is the Netflix series Tiger King about
Who is Joe Exotic
who sang the lyrics "she wants to dance like Uma thermin,"
Who is Fallout Boy
which juicewrld song is associated with middle school boys who got dumped
what is All Girls Are The Same
what are the girls rice purity scores
Amelia- 64
Sophie- 75
Ashley- 84
what are the names of the members form Big Time Rush
when were the WWIII memes made
when was January
what can The Weekend not feel when he's with you
what is his face
name all of the Kardashian/Jenner siblings
Who are Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Rob, Kendall, Kylie, Brody
names of amelias friends have ghosted or dropped her
Lexi, Bella, Yasmine, Kaitlyn, Stephen, Andrew, Hannah, Natelie, Aubrey, Hadley, Allison, Makena, Josh, Austin (on technicality)
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What are PennyTees
Who was the last democratic nominee to drop out of the race
Who is Bernie Sanders
finish the lyric "I kissed a girl and I liked it.. "
what is "The taste of her Cherry Chapstick."