This side character owned a fruit bar in most of the series
Who is ernie
This season of power rangers had their main base under water
What is power rangers lightspeed rescue
this ultrazord was a combination of the new zords plus an origional zord
what is the shogun ultrazord
Who is Rita Repulsa
Who is wild force red
This side character made the zords for power rangers Lightspeed rescue
Mrs. Fairweather
This season of power rangers had the first "rescue zords"
What is power rangers turbo
these megazords were destroyed by ritas brother
what is the thunder and tiger megazord
this villain was transformed back from a mutant to a human after the crossover episode
who is ransik
This was the first female red ranger in the series
who is samurai red
Who is ninjor
This season of power rangers teamed up with time force to stop the villian
Who are power rangers wild force
This megazord couldnt handle its new upgrade until a new power source was found
what villain destroyed the command center in this movie (will give a hint if need be)
who is ivan ooze
This is the first sixth ranger that was red
who is quantum red (bonus points for saying you lack motivation)
These two side characters saved the entire city
Bulk and skull
This lion zord in the super sentai had telekinetic powers
Who is the lion zord from dai ranger (or mmpr season 2)
This megazord had two modes and rode a trex
what is the timeforce megazord? (bonus points for knowing the mode)
this villain killed the parents of the red ranger in this season
who is master orc
who is time force red
This side character played the piano
Who is Skull
who are power rangers in space
what is the storm megazord
this villain tried to warn the bbeg's daughter that she could end the hate and she could stop the cycle
who is frax