What is the names of The Power Rangers?
Trevor, Jordan, Pitaya, Maya
What is the name of the school thief
Terry Cooper
Keith Owens Supa Senior Emperor of Japan
what number dice do you roll in combat
Who were the original rangers in the Prophecy
Willow, Maya, Jordan, Ava
What is the original way the rangers are meant to morph?
by slamming the morphers together
who's sculpture turned into Abomi-Clayion
The Art Teachers
What Villian had the most descriptive appearance
Kieth Owens Supa Senior
Who is the current highest ranking Villain
Zel Drake
Where is the Ranger base Located
Under Ikea
Who Is Willows number 1 fan
Trevor, Aurora is her number 2
What Part of Hiro's clothing did Scribbler stain
His white hoodie
what boss fight has had the most phases
Glam Rock, Razzle & Dazzle
When did Aurora and Astron land on Earth
3 years before freshmen year aka season 1
who was the last ranger to morph in universe
What student has made the most monsters
Roy Adams
How many pairs of Glasses did Glam rock have
which boss has had the highest modifier
Manifesta phase 4 at +11
What is the name of the planet Astron and Aurora are from
Planet Suta
how many "Siblings" does each ranger put together have?
Which Student has been near the most combat encounters
What was the name that Count Manifesta said before dying
Which 2 rangers have taken the most damage
Maya and Jordan
How many high-ranking members are next to Zel Drake and what are their names
2 and their names are unknown, Croco and Komo rank lower than Zel Drake