What food did Abel bring to the alter as a sacrifice to God?
What foods did his brother, Cain bring to the alter?
Genesis 4:2-7
Abel brought meat, a lamb.
Cain brought the fruits and veggies from his garden
Joseph was the governor of Egypt and there was a famine and drought across the land. Joseph's father sent food to Joseph to honor his son, who he had not seen since Joseph was a teenager.
Name three foods that Joseph's dad sent?
honey, pistachio nuts and almonds
Absalom, King David's son, challenged is father. Absalom was greedy and wanted to overthrow his father to be King.
King David and his army fled. Name 8 foods that they took with them
Grains, barley, beans, lentils, honey, butter, sheep, cheese
The Children of Isreal, Hebrew slaves, missed eating these four foods after escaping the Pharaoh from Egypt
Numbers 11:5
Cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic
King Solomon gives two foods that will make him strong. What are they?
Songs of Solomon 2:5
Raisins and apples