Expectations & Goals
Weekly Check-In
Performance & Development Discussion
Talent Assessment
Talent Review / Talent Review Follow-Up

What is at the center (or heart) of the Cisco Performance wheel?

Expectations & Goals


What digital platform do we use for Weekly Check-Ins?

Team Space


Performance & Development Discussions should focus on reviewing the team member's priorities over what previous period of time?

6 months


How often should leaders complete Talent Assessments?

Twice per year


Who typically participates in a Talent Review?

Leaders, their fellow leaders, and direct leader


Expectation setting should occur in the context of what?

Your role and grade level


What does the term "Weekly Check-In" refer to?

Either the Weekly Check-In in TeamSpace or the 1:1 check-in conversation between a leader and team member


What are the 3 topics that should be discussed during a Performance & Development Discussion?

Expectations, Performance, and Development


Can employees see their Talent Assessment after their leader submits it?

Yes they can, through the career tab on their Workday profile.


How often do Talent Reviews occur?

Depends on the business need, but should happen at a minimum once per year (to prepare for rewards planning)


How often should leaders and team members discuss expectations and goals?

As often as necessary -- they should be revisited regularly. 1:1 conversations are a great time to discuss expectations and goals. The beginning of the fiscal year or a new quarter is an especially good time to revisit this discussion.


Give 2 examples of things you are prompted to answer in the TeamSpace Check-In.

Reflection on the past week, loves, loathes, priorities for next week, support needed from leader


We recommend using one of your regular one-on-one meetings and setting aside how many minutes for this important conversation?

45-60 minutes


How is performance assessed in the Talent Assessment?

Performance is assessed against Cisco's Performance framework -- business results, principles & behaviors, and team impact


Do Talent Reviews take place in Workday?

No, but you can use Workday reports to support the offline discussion


Once expectations are set and agreed on between leaders and team members, where can team members document them?

In the Long-Term Priorities in Team Space. Expectations and goals can be recorded and updated as needed. They can be revisited during weekly check-ins and Performance & Development Discussions.


Give 2 examples of topics you might discuss with your leader during a 1:1 check-in conversation.

Answers may vary, could include: 

Expectations, short-term work priorities, strengths, the work that energizes you, development opportunities, obstacles you are facing, how you are doing in terms of  wellbeing and workload, feedback on  performance, support needed.


Whose responsibility is it to prepare for the Performance and Development Discussion?

Both the team member and the leader should prepare for the discussion. To prepare, leverage the following:

Team Space Check-Ins, previous Talent Assessments (if applicable), notes from any recent Performance and Development Discussions, Performance Reflections in Workday, feedback from dynamic team leaders


How can employees contribute to their Talent Assessment?

By highlighting their accomplishments in the Team Member Performance Reflections feature in Workday


Do employees play a role in Talent Reviews?

They do not participate in the conversation, but their leader may reach out to them afterwards to talk about outcomes or follow-up actions


Describe how you work with your leader to set goals & expectations

Looking for responses that expectation setting is not one-size-fits-all. Leaders should work with their team members to set expectations in whatever way is best for them – keeping in mind this may look different for each team member.


What is the relationship between the TeamSpace Check-Ins and the 1:1 check-in conversation?

The Weekly Team Space Check-In helps ensure your leader understands your work priorities, and the check-in conversation with allows for an opportunity to deepen alignment and create a two-way dialogue around those priorities. The check-in conversation is also an opportunity for your leader to learn more about what support you need, and provide feedback on your performance and development.


Name 3 examples of development priorities that a team member and leader might discuss during a Performance & Development Discussion?

Coach, mentor, sponsor, L&D, scope increase/stretch assignment, expand professional network, look for internal opportunity (if appropriate)...


What information might leaders leverage to complete a Talent Assessment?

Weekly Check-Ins, Performance and Development Discussions, and Team Member Performance Reflections. They may also want to consider feedback from peers or dynamic leaders.


What might a leader share with their team member during a Talent Review Follow-Up conversation?

Relevant feedback on their performance, strengths, and development opportunities
