True or false the Quarter Horse is the oldest breed.
True or False OQHA was founded in the 1950's.
What is true.
OQHA was founded and started in 1951
The maximum number of letters you can use for an AQHA horse.
What is 21?
Normal temperature of a horse.
What is 99.1-101?
The longest an english spur shank can be.
What is 1 inch?
Life expectancy of a quarter horse.
What is 25-35 years?
The year Congress was founded and/or started.
The 50th was in 2017 USE A CALCULATOR
What is 1967?
A program that AQHYA offers to their youth that provides them with a yearling to train and care for.
What is the young horse development program?
Medication used for a colicing horse.
BONUS!!! 100 points
Dosage for this medication.
What is Banimine?
What is 10 cc/mL?
The point on a horse's leg that if it has any sort of white marking is considered undesirable for an AQHA halter class.
What is above the knee and/or hock of the horse?
Max speed an American Quarter Horse can run.
What is 45 MPH?
The only condition made to allow the congress to happen in 1967.
You can use the OQHA website.
What is the board deciding that they had to raise $10,000 before May 1st in order to hold the Congress that fall?
The phrase when the horse is not only registered in AQHA but also any other color or horse association.
What is double registered?
The location of the pole on a horse.
What is area immediately behind the ears, and the underlying bones are the top of the skull bone and the cervical bones of the neck?
The date in which a yearling can not be shown in longe line before.
What is July 1?
What is 5-6 million?
The Congress all started because a past president (Blair Folck) went to another large HORSE show and wanted the same success.
Use the OQHA website.
What is, Mr. Folck went to a CATTLE show and wanted the same success for our quarter horses?
The city that AQHA was founded.
What is Fort Worth Texas?
The age a horse can be started and put under saddle.
What is 2 year olds?
The penalty for a break a gate in a pattern class.
What is a penalty 5?
Scientific name of the quarter horse.
What is Equus Caballus?
The amount of exhibitors that attended the first Congress.
You can use the website.
What is 5,000?
The year and place that the first AQHA World Show was held.
What is 1974 and Louisville Kentucky?
The horse's gestation (pregnancy) cycle length.
What is 11 months?
The penalty for a missed diagonal WITH effort to fix it in an equitation on the flat class. +250
The penalty for looking down for a diagonal in an equitation on the flat class. +250
What is penatly 3?
What is penalty 5?