Famous People
National Geographic
Travel Fun Facts
Microsoft Outlook

A reasonably well respected and connected silversmith who was popularized by the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem phrase "1 if by Land, 2 if by Sea"

Who is Paul Revere? 

(The actual poem title is: Paul Revere's Ride)


According to a 2015 statistic, you can add all the people in Canada together and this state still has more people in it.

What is California?  

Canada:  35.85 million

California:  39.14 million 


As standard practice, these two people are not supposed to eat the same meal before a flight.

Who are the Pilot and Co-Pilot?


True or False?  Microsoft has life hacks for writing a plot twist if you are writing a book.


This space has 5.6 million square feet and is in it's own zip code!

What is the Mall of America?  It contributes nearly $2 Billion to MN's economy each year.


Chief of the Oglala Sioux, he lead the charge of the Cheyenne against General Custer at Little Big Horn - and he might be a bit wild.

Who is Crazy Horse?


This continent covers four hemispheres! Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western.

What is Africa?


Horace Sutton, a journalist from the LA Times, coined this phrase in 1966 to describe the feelings of fatigue and disorientation that comes with rapidly traveling across multiple time zones.

What is jet lag?


This tool resides on the left side of Outlook and shows you a calendar, your upcoming appointments and your unified task list.

What is the To-Do Bar?  It is the blue Checkmark! Microsoft To Do is a simple and intelligent to-do list that helps you manage all your tasks in one place. You can work through your tasks for the day in My Day and create any number of additional lists to organize your work, groceries, travel, shopping, movies to watch - you get the idea!  


This is the state slogan on the standard MN license plate.

What is:  The Land of 10,000 Lakes.  

Minnesota has over 11,842 lakes that are larger than 10 acres, surpassing its license plate claim.


French fashion designer and businesswoman, the founder and name sake of a very popular brand, she was credited in the post-World War 1 era with popularizing a sporty, casual chic as a standard of style.

Who is Coco Chanel?


As the worlds third-largest continent in terms of population and size, you will find everything from tropical beaches, dense forests, barren deserts and frozen tundra.

What is North America?


What country has a free public WINE fountain year round?

What is Italy. The fountain, called Fontana del Vino, is located in the Dora Sarchese vineyard on the Cammino di San Tommaso pilgrimage route. 

Any time your find yourself repeatedly doing the same steps in Outlook, use this tool.

What is Quick Steps?  Quick Steps is a useful tool to help you keep a clean inbox and generally be more efficient at using Outlook.



This is the most popular state FISH.

What is walleye?


This "snappy" actress was on a famous TV hit series that popularized the beheading of black roses.

Who is Carolyn Jones aka Morticia Addams?


An island in this state, called Semisophchnio, stretches so far West that it enters the Eastern Hemisphere.  Meaning this one state is both the Westernmost and the Easternmost state in America.

What is Alaska?


What did the Ming dynasty use as mortar to build the Great Wall?

What is sticky rice?  The sticky rice mortar bound the bricks together so tightly that in many places weeds still cannot grow!


What are the Outlook 4 D's to manage incoming messages?

What are: Delete it, Do-it, Delegate it and Defer it. That was a tough one!  But really a good idea to keep a clean in-box.  See previous answer for the link!


Minnesota has more acres of this natural resource and makes the best creamy soup. 

What is Wild Rice?

Wild Rice has been a staple food for Minnesota's Indians for centuries. It was adopted as the official state grain in 1977. It is an aquatic grass not related to common rice.


As an award-winning writer, director and actor, he was a bonafide star in the '60's, high profile in the '70's stretching across to the 2000's.  Ah, The Way We Were!

Who is Robert Redford?


Continents move continuously at the same rate as...

What is your fingernails grow?

People are 30% more likely to have a heart attack if they...?

What is go 5 years without a vacation!

This has a separate tool bar when you click on it and it will find almost anything!
What is the Search Bar?  

If you click inside the Search toolbar, a blue Search word will show up on your top toolbar and you can narrow your search by has attachment,  subject, category and more!


This expansive wilderness area is perfect for canoeing, camping, and fishing, offering serene lakes and scenic views

What is the Boundary Waters?
