Who's the chair for ASEAN this year?
What date does Chinese New Year fall in the year 2025?
In 2025, Chinese New Year falls on January 29.
How many colleagues in the department celebrate their birthdays during the first quarter of the year?
What does KYC stand for?
What year was Bank Negara Malaysia established?
How many Member States are in ASEAN and who are they?
10 (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
What's the main reason why Ang Pao's are given in red envelopes?
To ward off evil spirit.
What did Kak Azah study for her degree?
What does FATF stand for?
Financial Action Task Force
Bank Negara Malaysia is governed by what Act?
The Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009
What's the main theme for ASEAN 2025?
Inclusivity and Sustainability
Name 2 person that was born in the year of the Snake in PPD
The Year of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac includes the following years: 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965
Who in PPD grew up at Harvard?
What's the full name of the AML PD?
Anti-Money Laundering, Countering Financing of Terrorism, Countering Proliferation Financing and Targeted Financial Sanctions for Financial Institutions
How many offices does BNM have outside of Klang valley?
8 = 5 (Sabah,Sarawak,Terengganu,Johor,Penang) + 3 (London, New York, Beijing)
Where was the first ASEAN Summit meeting held in 1976?
ASEAN's first summit meeting, held in Bali, Indonesia, in 1976.
In the Chinese zodiac legend, what number did the Snake finish in the race?
The Snake finished sixth.
Who had to learn Bahasa Melayu from scratch at the age of 9?
What is the term for breaking up large transactions into smaller ones to dodge reporting limits in AML?
What year did Bank Negara Malaysia began issuing currency notes?
12 June 1967
What's the meaning of the 6 stigmas at the tip of ASEAN 2025 logo?
MADANI (keMampanan, kesejAhteraan, Daya cipta, keyAkinan, Ihsan)
Bisa atau ngak bisa?
3 bisa 3 ngak bisa
Whose nose is this?
How many FATF recommendations are there?
40 Recommendations
Can you name all 9 Malaysians who have served as the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia?