This provincial parent /caregiver resource was first published in 1979.
What is Baby’s Best Chance?
In 2021, the federal government changed legislation to allow a new form of legal gambling in Canada.
What is single-event betting (will accept sports betting)?
This team provides subject matter expertise and leads policy and programming in these two key areas of chronic disease prevention (VIDEO CLUE)
What is Nutrition and Physical Activity? or will accept Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
In 2022, this nutrition file fell mercy to public scrutiny and media attention leading the team to develop a new approach to support healthy school food environments.
What are the School Food Guidelines?
These other provinces in Canada have a Lifetime Prevention Schedule and/or Lifetime Prevention Schedule-comparable process.
What is "none!" LPS is unique to BC?
In 2018, the Legal Substances and Problem Gambling team added this to their list of regulated legalized substances
What is Cannabis?
This team leads and supports provincial initiatives that promote healthy living and well-being in schools and communities.
What is the Healthy Public Policy team?
85 million is the number of impressions this public health mass marketing campaign has received since it launched in 2023.
What is the A-Z Of Vaping Campaign? (vaping campaign)
These three provincial injury prevention priorities drive collaborative injury prevention action in BC.
What are (1) fall prevention among older adults, (2) road safety for vulnerable road users, and (3) youth suicide and self-harm.?
The federal government is committed to reducing the number of people who smoke cigarettes and use other tobacco products to less than 5% by this year
What is 2035?
Sometimes known as a canned mystery meat, and/or emails that end up in your junk folder...this team is focussed on informing the public about Youth Vaping, Alcohol Use, Mental Wellness, Health impacts of Climate change, and Vaccine Hesitancy.
What is SPAM?
The new Canadian Guidance on Alcohol and Health recommends people consume less than _____ drinks per week to avoid high-risk drinking.
What is 7 drinks/week?