What are the 3 ingredients to thunderstorm
unstable air, lifting action, moisture/humidity
What happens to maneuvering speed (Va) as your plane gets heavier?
As weight goes up, Va increases.
What instruments are powered by the ADC?
Airspeed indicator, altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and outside air temperature gauge
If we take a flight during the day, what are our fuel requirements?
origin-destination plus 30 min
What is a trough
elongated area of low pressure
It has been 68 days since I have flown in a multi engine land and 110 days since I have flown in a single engine land. If I want to take my friend up in a single engine land plane at night, what do I have to do?
3 takeoffs and landings to a full stop.
What happens to stall speed as plane gets heavier?
What electrical system do we have?
28 volt, direct current, electrical system
If we are planning a flight not in the vicinity of our airport, what are our preflight planning requirements?
What are the cloud clearance requirements for special vfr
1 sm clear of clouds
As a private pilot, you take your friends up to fly and they offer to pay for your food since you flew them around. Can you do this?
When do you need to use position lights (nav lights)?
sunset to sunrise
What is the normal amount of volts for electrical buses?
28. above 32- a warning is displayed, below 24.5 a warning is displayed
What does CTAF stand for
Common traffic advisory frequency
How would you give your friend a safety briefing if they were a passenger?
You fly into Class D airport and the ceilings are coming in quickly. You got the ATIS: 7SM and 900' ceiling. You don't have your instrument rating. Can you land?
no. you can pick up special VFR to land
You passed your private pilot checkride on August 4th, 2023. Assuming you don't take anymore check rides, when do you need to complete a flight review?
August 31, 2025
If our alternator fails, how much time do we have until we lose power?
1 hour (30 min stby, 30 min main)
What's the difference between CTAF and UNICOM?
CTAF: traffic movement, what you're having for dinner, anything
UNICOM: getting a fuel service, etc (like a customer service for the airport)
You're a private pilot and are going to fly today. You realize you forgot your logbook at home, but have your ID, medical, and pilot cert. Can you go fly?
yes, private pilot don't need logbook
Winds aloft "9900", what does that mean?
winds are light and variable
What is powered by the magnetometer
Your friend has asked you to fly as a safety pilot in his Piper Arrow RG while he practices instrument approaches. Can you do this?
No, retractable landing gear
What are preflight weather resources?
Foreflight, weather channel, FSS, 1-800-wxbrief, look outside
You're taking a trip with friends and you all split the fuel. Can you ask them to split the tie-down and parking fees too?
Yes, far 61.113 allows you to split airport expenditures equally