Step 1 of the planning is process is: Manage the planning process. Which members of the community were involved in planning? *Hint: Found in case scenario.
CHN, school staff, parents, students, and community organization representative.
Step 3 of the planning process is: Set goals, audiences, and outcome objectives. Who is the primary audience?
Students and parents within the school community.
What SDOH impacted student nutrition as identified during the needs assessment?
1. Household income/food affordability.
2. Health literacy in nutrition.
3. Cultural considerations.
Step 2 of the planning process is: Summary of the situation. What are 2 priority issues that were identified by the CHN? Hint* Found in case scenario.
1. Students are showing up to school without lunches, or bringing heavily processed foods.
2. Some students do not make use of the current lunch program and do not eat what is provided.
3. Parents are struggling to pack healthy affordable lunches for students.
How did the CHN implement The second health promotion strategy outlined in the Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1986) is: Create supportive environments.
1. Took into account cultural and allergy considerations in meal planning.
2. Started a conversation which addresses the stigma surrounding food insecurity and other barriers to proper student nutrition.
3. Involved parents which is enhancing familial connections.
What are the benefits of community involvement in program planning?
1. Strengthens community action
2. Looking at the issue from multiple perspectives
3. Each individual brings their own skillset to addressing the issue.
Step 3 of the program planning process is: Set goals, audiences, and outcome objectives. Which 3 goals of planning were established by the team?
1. Make sure every student has access to nutritious food while they are at school.
2. Help parents with affordable healthy meal options.
3. Create partnerships with community organizations to keep food support sustainable long-term.
How did the CHN demonstrate the first CHN standard of practise: Health promotion during the program planning process.
The team planned a program targeted towards promoting nutrition and health in elementary students
Members of the planning process included school staff, parents, students, and community organization representatives. Who else could be added to address student nutritional needs?
1. School social worker and child and youth care worker.
2. Dietician.
3. Community centre.
Step 4 of the planning process is: Choose strategies, activities, and assign resources. What are 2 activities/strategies decided on by the team? If you do not remember, name 1 activity/strategy to address student nutrition of your own.
1. Grab-and-go snack station.
2. Host affordable meal planning workshops for parents.
3. Provide families with fresh food boxes.
4. Nutrition education in class.
How did the CHN implement the third health promotion strategy outlined in the Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1986): Strengthen Community Action.
1. Met with community partners and engaged in intersectoral collaboration.
How did the CHN demonstrate the fifth CHN standard of practise: Capacity building during the program planning process?
1. Providing health teaching to parents on affordable meal planning
2. Provided school staff with health teaching on recognizing cues of poor nutrition in students.
3. Working with the school community to find solutions rather than planning for them.
Step 5 of the planning process is: Develop indicators. Which indicators of success were established by the team to evaluate the efficacy of the program plan? If you do not remember, name 1 indicator of your own.
1. How many students are utilizing the expanded lunch and snack program?
2. How many parents are attending workshops or using food resources?
3. Are students feeling less hungry throughout the day, and are teachers noticing better focus and energy in class?
How did the CHN implement the fourth health promotion strategy outlined in the Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1986): Develop personal skills during the program planning process.
1. Providing health teaching to parents on affordable meal planning.
2. Provided school staff with health teaching on recognizing cues of poor nutrition in students.
How did the CHN demonstrate the sixth CHN standard of practise: Health equity during the program planning process?
1. Considered barriers to adequate student nutrition and provided necessary supports in accordance with the social justice model.
2. Addressed/negated health disparities.