True or false: I can go to the bathroom between classes without asking permission.
What is false?
Students need to check in with their next teacher BEFORE they go to the restroom. This is to help us know where students are throughout the day.
This should be kept off and out of sight at all times throughout the school day, including during recess and lunch.
What is a cell phone?
True or False: I need to wear a PPSEL polo to school every day.
What is False?
Students must wear a PPSEL polo everyday EXCEPT Fridays.
Always do work that is my personal best and that I am proud to show others.
What is craftsmanship?
This is not allowed in the gym at any time.
What is food and drink?
(Yes, even in the morning before the bell, as per Coach Carroll).
If I'm late to class because I'm hanging out in the bathroom, I will be marked this.
What is tardy?
Three tardies will result in a lunch detention and an email home.
If you need to contact your parents, this is the only way you should reach out.
What is the phone in the office?
True or False: I can wear pajama pants to school.
What is false?
"Items such as pajama pants, inappropriate shoes, or other items that are deemed not to be appropriate for a school setting will not be allowed."
Stand up and speak out for what is right, even if no one else is.
What is integrity?
If I'm a [BLANK], I can go to another elective if the teacher doesn't need me.
What is a T.A. (teacher's assistant)?
The best time to go to the bathroom is during this.
What is a class break or work time?
Using this wearable device to communicate with another person is not allowed during school hours.
What is a smart watch?
True or False: I must wear a PPSEL polo under a hoodie, even if the hoodie also has a PPSEL logo.
What is true?
"Sweatshirts, hoodies or other jackets may not be worn during class unless they are official sweatshirts with a full embroidered PPSEL logo.... A uniform polo shirt needs to be worn underneath, as well."
Recognize that I may not know everything that someone else is dealing with.
What is compassion?
Making TikToks in the bathroom is a [BLANK] idea.
What is bad?
Not only does this violate school cellphone policy, but it can also violate the privacy of other students.
This is not a good time to go to the bathroom.
What is during the first and last 10 minutes of class or during whole class instruction?
True or false: If a teacher sees you using your cell phone during the day, they can confiscate it.
What is false?
"If cell phones are left on, staff members may take the phone away."
True or False: Shorts and skirts must be at most 4 inches above the knee.
What is true?
"...nothing more than four inches above the knee is allowed at school."
Recognize that my words and actions have an impact.
What is respect?
If I need something from a teacher or are having a problem, it is this person's responsibility to ask.
What is mine?
Advocacy: to ask for what you need, when you need it.
This is how long I should take going to the bathroom and getting a drink.
What is five minutes?
What is your PPSEL email and/or school computers?
What is false?
"Apparel containing printed or visual messages that are inappropriate in a school setting will necessitate a change in clothing. Clothing is not to be tight, suggestive, revealing, or distracting, i.e. torn, “sagged/low riding, and/or baggy.” See-through, bare midriff, spaghetti straps, and tank tops are not appropriate.
• Skirts and dresses should not be shorter than four inches above the middle of the knee. Shorts must be worn under dresses during P.E. and recess.
• Sweatshirts and t-shirts with appropriate pictures, logos or words may be worn. Collared shirts, turtleneck and mock-turtleneck shirts, and sweaters are acceptable."
Follow through on my responsibilities and obligations.
What is self-discipline?
This is how my desk, my space, and our classroom should look when I leave it.
What is better than I found it?