History of PR
What PR isn't
What is PR?
Theories and Principles in PR
Good PR practices

In 1897, the term public relations began being used in literature within which industry?

The railroad.


Which communications management does public relations get mixed up for the most? What does that management do?

Marketing- "identifies human needs and wants, offers products and services to satisfy those demands, and causes transactions that deliver products and services to users in exchange for something of value to the provider" (Cutlip & Center, 2013).


Our textbook (Cutlip & Center) and PRSA define public relations as a strategic communication process that builds or maintains ______ between organizations and the publics.

Mutually beneficial relationship


Who is Arthur Page? What are his 7 Page Principles?

Arthur Page was considered the father of Corporate PR and ethics. He created The Page Principles, which serve as a standard of ethical conduct for PR practitioners. These include: 

1. tell the truth 

2. prove it with action 

3. listen to stakeholders

4. manage for tomorrow 

5. conduct public relations as if the whole enterprise depends on it

6. realize an enterprise's true character is expressed by its people

7. remain calm, patient, and good-humored


When working with the media, or interviewing, public relations practitioners should do what (10 tips)? 


1. Talk from the viewpoint of the public’s interest, not the organization’s.

2. Make the news easy to read and use.

3. If you do not want a statement quoted, do not make it/include it.

4. State the most important fact at the beginning.

5. Think about what the writer needs to make a good story and provide everything (photo, interview etc.) MAKE IT EASY FOR THEM.

6. If you do not know the answer to a question, simply say, “I do not know, but I will get the answer for you.”

7. Tell the truth, even if it hurts.

8. Do not call a press conference unless reporters will consider it to be news.

9. If you object to words/terms in a question, don’t repeat them in your answer. Rephrase them in the way you want to be represented in the article.

10. Don’t get angry or be disrespectful even if the reporter is, keep your cool and if the situation is extreme, say that you’re sorry but you have to end the interview.


Who is the father of PR? What did he do? Who were some of his clients?

Ivy Lee: he was first to make the move toward "modern practice of information sharing, such a reporting on employee benefits and safety. He also convinced his corporate clients to become more open and honest with the public. Used the term publicity to describe what is now called public relations.

Clients: Pennsylvania Railroad; John D. Rockefeller and the Colorado Fuel Strike 

(Cutlip & Center, 2013)


What is two-way communication, and which communications role implements it? 

Two-way communication is a process of communicating back and forth between publics and stakeholders/organizations that is reciprocal, mutual, and between. 

Public Relations; sends a message but also listens to feedback from the public and organizations. 


PR practitioners do research, media relations/social media, writing/editing, management of staff and client relationships, production, special events, speaking, training, and more. What skills/tasks must all public relations practitioners be able to do? (2)

Writing and Editing


What is agenda-setting theory? Why do we use it in PR?

The media tell us what to think about, but not how to think about it. It's what media and public opinion determine as salient (important). 

We use it in PR because it influences public discourse. The more "frequently and prominently a piece/news is covered, the audience will regard the issue as more important" (Duru, 2018).


Why is research important for public relations practitioners when they begin working with a client's problem or opportunity?

Before working on a campaign plan, research is important to help you understand the needs/situation.


Historically, what are the three stages of PR development? What did each do to shape PR? Give an example of one person from each stage.

The three stages are rhetorician, press agent, and journalistic/publicity tradition. 

Rhetorician stage: Early PR tried to influence publics through what was said, not what was done. (ex. Samuel Adams)

Press agentry stage: an early example of modern PR; used media to create American heroes, promote circus acts, and settle the West. (ex. P.T. Barnum)

Journalistic/publicity tradition: beginning of modern PR; distribution of accurate information became new focus of PR. (ex. President Woodrow Wilson) 

(Cutlip & Center, 2013)


Advertising uses a _____ method of placing messages in the media. What does that mean? What are examples?

Controlled- you, the sender, have control over the message, timing, and frequency. You know what the audience will see as a result. 

Examples: websites, newsletters, brochures


What are the 4 steps of PR planning?

Research, Strategy, Implementation, Assessment (or Evaluation) 

Or RACE: research, action & planning, communicating, evaluating


What is organizational culture? How do authoritarian and participative organizational cultures differ?

 Organizational culture is the sum total of shared values, symbols, meanings, beliefs, assumptions, and expectations that organize and integrate a group of people who work together

 In an authoritarian organizational culture:

  • Communication is structured and formalized.

  • Decision making is centralized.

  • Individuals are accountable.

  • Work is routine and divided.

  • Employee input is not considered vital.

In a participative organizational culture:

  • Dialogue and input are encouraged.

  • Teamwork is valued.

  • Collective accountability encourages teamwork.

  • Innovation is encouraged and rewarded.

  • Innovation ideas can come from any level of the organization.


Trusted public relations means successful media relations. How can you ensure this (6 ways)?

  • Meet reporters and editors personally

  • Know and be respectful of schedules and deadlines (example: never call on a deadline day)

  • Do what you say you will do

  • Deal with everyone honestly and ethically

  • Not play “favorites” – equal access to interviews, etc.

  • Reciprocate – share news, and items of interest (even if they are not of immediate benefit to you/your org/etc.) 


During the Roaring Twenties, relationship-building and two-way communication became important. Why is this?

Practitioners realized that organizations communicate with the public, not only through words/messages but also by listening and responding to public opinion. This allowed practitioners to advise management and inform the public. 


Public relations/publicity is a ____ method of placing messages in the media. What does that mean? What are examples?

Earned (uncontrolled)- communication channels where practitioners can't control the message, timing, and frequency of a message. 

Examples: radio, TV, social media, online news outlets, newspapers. 


Why is the function of internal relations within organizations/businesses important? What does it mean to communicate internally? What are some examples?

As part of the larger public relations function, the goal of internal relations is to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the employees on whom its success or failure depends.

Internal communication can be done through: 

- Listening to employees- employees can communicate questions or concerns to higher-ups (participative culture)

- Connecting employees- not only connecting employees to management, but also to one another

Examples: internal newsletters, communicating changes within the organization, conducting listening to develop insight reports for management, and managing employee intranet.


What is system theory? What is an open system? What is the difference between open and closed systems?

System theory defines organizations as interacting units functioning through time. They respond and adapt to various changes in environment (social, political, economic, competitive, technological). 

In an open system, PR practitioners

- become part of top management

- can influence organizational ideology 

- fulfill a communication and counseling and management role

- utilize a two-way symmetric communication approach 

The difference between open and closed systems is: 

  • Closed systems

    • Have impermeable boundaries.

    • Cannot exchange matter, energy, or information with environments.

    • Do not adapt to external change and eventually disintegrate.

  • Open systems

    • Have permeable boundaries.

    • Exchange inputs and outputs with environments.

    • Recognize and respond to environmental changes.


A good PR planning includes what? What should a good PR plan reflect?

Includes: Identify key publics, articulate measurable (SMART) objectives, determine appropriate strategies and tactics, and define an evaluation plan 

Reflects: overall program (campaign) goal, objectives set for each public, and strategies/tactics for each objective


How is modern public relations different from traditional public relations?

Modern PR is mostly, if not fully dependent on the rise of media. We live in a digital age, where much of what we see, hear, and read is all online. Rather than face-to-face interactions and traditional formats, the focus has shifted to fit the world today. Traditional PR was created in a world without technology, where trial and error was key. Times changed in many aspects including gender, ethnicity, practices, mindsets, and more. Defining what PR is and means constantly changes to fit each era. Nowadays, PR is still changing and will continue to do so as the world adapts and shifts. 


Why is earned (uncontrolled) media important? 

- builds credibility and trust with the public by getting highly credible source coverage without paying

- word-of-mouth allows you to reach a larger audience 

- cost-effective marketing because it generates organic publicity

- feedback is valuable (reviews and testimonials 

(source: Intuit Mailchimp; https://mailchimp.com/resources/earned-media-vs-paid-media/)

What is the difference between the internal and external functions of PR?

Internal relations deals with internal workings of organizations, like employees, family of employees, volunteers, etc.

External relations deals with publics outside organizations, like neighbors, consumers, investors, environmentalists, etc. 


Why is it important to understand publics? What are publics specific to situations (3)? How can you define publics (9)? Who came up with the situational theory of publics?

Grunig came up with the situational theory of publics. It's good to know there isn't a "general public," instead, communication and building relationships with target or strategic publics is important. 

Publics specific to situations:

- Latent publics: unaware of their connections to others and an organization 

- Aware publics: recognize they are somehow affected by or involved in a situation shared by others

- Active publics: begin to communicate and organize to do something about a situation 

9 Approaches to defining publics: 

  • Geographics: natural and political boundaries 

  • Demographics: gender, age, income, marital status 

  • Psychographics: lifestyle and psychological characteristics 

  • Covert power: behind-the-scenes political and economic power

  • Position: those held by individuals, not attributes of the individuals themselves 

  • Reputation: “knowledgeables” or “influentials” identified by others

  • Membership: rosters, lists, and affiliations

  • Role in the decision process: who makes decisions in particular situations? 

  • Communication behavior: sources of information, media habits, and personal contacts (ex. Online publics vs. board members)


What does SMART stand for? What four elements do SMART public relations objections contain? What are SMART public relations objectives?

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based

Four elements are:

1. one target public

2. specific outcome

3. measurement (in number or percentage)

4. date (to end by X date)

SMART PR objectives include:

- goal-oriented

- public focused

- impact-oriented

- research-based

- explicit (precise)

- measurable

- time-based

- attainable or do-able
