Gene Expression & Technology
Evolution & Natural Selection
Bacteria, Protists & Fungi
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Animalia

After DNA has been replicated, taking DNA and converting it to RNA is the first step of gene expression. 

1. What is this process called?

2. Where in the cell does this process take place?


2. Nucleus


Minor genetic changes that occur in populations through random mutations is called:



What are the 3 domains of biology?

Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya


The following plants must grow near water or moist environments. 

1. What major plant group are these plants in? 

2. How do they reproduce?

1. Non-vascular plants

2.Most nonvascular plants reproduce sexually by creating single-celled haploid spores or asexually by vegetative propagation (cloning)


What pylum is the oldest within the animalia kingdom?



What are the trophic levels found within a food web?


1.After DNA has been converted to RNA, what is the next step for mRNA for gene expression?

2. What is this process called?

3. Where in the cell does this process take place?

1. mRNA --> Proteins

2. Translation

3. Cytoplasm


What are the two main models for how new species are created? 

Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium


Identify the name of each of the shapes found within Bacteria



1. What major plant group are these plants in? 

2. How do they reproduce?

1. Seedless-vascular plants

2. Seedless vascular plants reproduce through single-celled, haploid spores instead of seeds. 


What type of symmetry do amphibians have?


Why are Decomposers/Detritivores important?

Decomposers/Detritivores play an important role as recyclers in the ecosystem's energy flow and biogeochemical cycles. Especially in the role of recycling nutrients back into the soil.


What type of mutation is shown below?

Substitution/Point mutation


Darwin's writings on "descent with modification" are the basis for which theory of evolution?

Theory of natural selection

What is the difference between gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria?

Gram negative bacteria has a thin layer of peptidoglycan, while gram negative has a thin layer of peptidoglycan with an additional membrane layer


1. What major plant group are these plants in? 

2. How do they reproduce?


Animals have three types of body cavities (as shown below):

Acolemate = NO BODY CAVITY

Coelomate = body cavity derived from Mesoderm tissue

Pseduoceolomate =  body cavitythat is NOT derived from Mesoerm tissue

Name one animal represented under each body cavity.


Scientists use the Mark and recapture method to estimate population size. Using the information below: calculate the estimated population size


Ally captures 70 snakes, marks and releases them back into the wild. After 3 months, she returns and catches 62 snakes. 40 out of the 62 snakes she recaptured were marked. 

N= 70 (40+22)   /40

N= 108 snakes


During the DNA Extraction activity in lab 8:

1. What was the purpose of adding meat tenderizer to our experiment?

2. What was the purpose of the soap in the experiment?

3. Why is it important to add alcohol and keep the experiment cold?

1. Meat tenderizer is an enzyme that further breaks down the protein-DNA bonds and dissolves the DNA.

2. Soap pulls apart the fats (lipids) and proteins that make up the membranes surrounding the cell and nucleus to release DNA from the cell. 

3.Using ice-cold water and ice-cold alcohol will increase your yield of DNA. The cold water protects the DNA by slowing down enzymes that can break it apart. The cold alcohol helps the DNA precipitate (solidify and appear) more quickly. 


Why should you see an increase in beak size during periods of drought?

In dry conditions, the seeds that are available have harder surfaces so larger beaks are beneficial to break through the seeds and pick up seeds in small crevices


What is the name of the two organisms that make up the symbiotic relationship shown below? 

Lichens are formed by Fungi + algae/cyanobacteria


1. What major plant group are these plants in? 

2. How do they reproduce?


List the 4 characteristics that all Chordates possess at one point throughout their lives:

A Notochord

A dorsal hollow nerve cord

Pharyngeal pouches

A post-anal tail


How do scientists calculate the diversity of plants and animals within communities?

Countin all the different types of species, and the abundance of each species within a measuring frame (e.g. hoola hoop, quadrat)


1. Is DNA polar or nonpolar?

2. Is DNA negative or positively charged?

3. What is one reason we use gel electrophoresis for?

1. Polar

2. negative


  • In the separation of DNA fragments for DNA fingerprinting to investigate crime scenes.
  • To analyze results of polymerase chain reaction.
  • To analyze genes associated with a particular illness.
  • In DNA profiling for taxonomy studies to distinguish different species.

How do birds influence the abundance of plant species?

Birds predation on seeds influences what the number and type of seeds that will be available next growing season


***You will need to identify organisms under a microscope****

***also look over worksheet 10 for review****

1. Paramecium

2. Euglena

3. Volvox

4. Chytridmycota

5. Ascomycota


What are the benefits and disadvantages of having two generations?


-sexual and asexual reproduction

-provides opportunity for plants to adapt to their environments

-provides an opportunity to increase genetic diversity through sexual reproduction


-maintaining two generations and having to complete the lifecycle may be energetically costly


****Please go over worksheet 12 and your lab 12 to cover all the phyla (and classes for Chordates) and be able to identify species characteristics for each phylum***


1. Phylum: Chordata, class: Agnatha (no jaws should be giveaway!)

2. Phylum: Echinodermata (spiny skin, water vascular system, 5 part body)

3. Phylum: Chordata, class:Mammalia (fur!! and milk ducts)


What is the difference between a food web and a food chain? 

Which is more accurate?

A food web is more accurate because you can include species interactions
