What is the difference between weather and Climate
Weather is for a short amount of time and climate is over a long period of time
What subdivisions is considered a dry climate?
Savanna and desert
What is a Worldview?
basic beliefs, actions, big story
How does your big story affect you?
It changes how you look at evidence
Define Authentic
Is the Frigid zone cold or warm?
What is considered a mild climate?
Humid subtropical
what is an example of a big story?
evolution and big bang
What is an assumption?
A Belief someone has without trying to prove
Define plumage
a birds feather
What are some examples of precipitation?
Rain, snow, and ice
What is one example of a renewable resource?
Wind, water, soil, trees etc
What is a Christian big story?
Bible, Jesus and Creation
How many major kind of proofs are there?
When is the next day we are off school?
Labor day or next monday
What is Orographic precipitation?
Precipitation results when warm air rises over the mountains and cools
What is one example of a nonrenewable resource?
coal, iron, nuclear, bauxmite etc
What does the head do?
It thinks
What is a experience?
something you hear, smell, and see
what was the score of the football game friday?
What climate is the Rain forest considered?
What climate is an ice cap in>
What does the heart do?
It feels
what is dualism?
Something you put on Gods throne
What are waterfalls?
Rivers or streams that go off a cliff