Which of the following resulted from the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire following the death of Genghis Khan? (A) The collapse of the Byzantine Empire (B) The development of khanates in Central Asia (C) The spread of Islam into East Asia (D) Increased trade between Africa and Asia
What is (B) The development of khanates in Central Asia
I am imperishable time; The Creator whose face is everywhere; Death that devours all things; The source of all things to come The god Krishna speaks, Bhagavad Gita, Vedic sacred text, circa fifth century to second century B.C.E. The excerpt above best represents which aspect of Hinduism? (A) The desire to escape worldly suffering (B) The cyclical nature of death and rebirth (C) The belief in karma (D) The importance of caste
(B) The cyclical nature of death and rebirth
In the period 1450 to 1750, the intensification of connections between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere had which of the following effects on religious practices? (A) Christianity became more uniform as it spread through the Americas. (B) Buddhism spread widely in Africa. (C) Syncretic forms of religion such as Vodun developed. (D) Splits in Islam became less intense.
What is (C) Syncretic forms of religion such as Vodun developed.
Members of which of the following groups led opposition to industrialization in both Qing China and the Ottoman Empire? (A) Government officials (B) Landless peasants (C) Merchants (D) Clerics
What is (A) Government officials
Which of the following factors contributed most to Manchu expansion in Asia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? (A) The development of large trading companies (B) The adoption of Buddhist beliefs (C) The military alliances with western European states (D) The use of cannons and gunpowder
What is (D) The use of cannons and gunpowder
Contact between different societies often leads to an interchange of ideas, cultural forms, and knowledge, but the degree of reciprocity varies considerably. Which of the following was probably the most one-way cultural flow? (A) The interactions between the Roman Empire and the Han Empire via trade on the Silk Roads (B) The interactions between Muslims and Christians in Muslim Spain (C) The interactions between Tang China and Japan (D) The interactions between Bantu speakers and Arabs during the establishment of trading cities on the Swahili coast
What is (C) The interactions between Tang China and Japan
Which of the following was the main reason that Buddhist thought had important social implications for South Asia? (A) It encouraged larger family size. (B) Its followers were incorporated into the Brahman caste. (C) It challenged hierarchies based on caste. (D) It reinforced the idea of obedience to the emperor as a means to salvation.
What is (C) It challenged hierarchies based on caste.
The Han and Roman empires exchanged goods via the (A) sea routes around the southern tip of Africa (B) trans-Saharan routes (C) Silk Roads (D) sea-lanes across the Pacific Ocean
What is (C) Silk Roads
Which of the following distinguishes the Meiji period from earlier periods in Japanese history? (A) Militarism and feudalism (B) Isolation and lack of foreign trade (C) Reform and industrialization (D) Democratization and manorial privilege
What is (C) Reform and industrialization
Which of the following societies engaged in extensive maritime trade well beyond their borders in the fifteenth century? (A) Mesoamericans in the Pacific Ocean (B) Bantu peoples in the Indian Ocean (C) Chinese in the Indian Ocean (D) Russians in the Pacific Ocean
What is (C) Chinese in the Indian Ocean
“Seeing that it is a girl’s destiny, on reaching womanhood, to go to a new home, and live in submission to her father-in-law and mother-in­ law, it is even more incumbent upon her than it is on a boy to receive with all reverence her parents’ instructions. Should her parents, through excess of tenderness, allow her to grow up self-willed, she will infallibly show herself capricious and thus alienate his affection.” Kaibara Ekken, Japanese author, Greater Learning for Women, 1716 The excerpt above exemplifies the continued influence on eighteenth-century Japan of which of the following? (A) The Christian tradition of children respecting their parents (B) The Buddhist encouragement of female spirituality (C) The Islamic practice of women appearing modestly in public (D) The Confucian emphasis on filial submission
What is (D) The Confucian emphasis on filial submission
Which of the following would best support the assertion that hierarchies based on racial classification emerged after 1500 C.E. to maintain the authority of new elite groups in the Americas? (A) The use of terms such as mestizo, mulatto, and creole (B) The increasingly common use of European names in the Americas (C) New maritime technology facilitating long-term voyages by Europeans (D) The introduction of slavery to the Americas after the voyages of Columbus
What is (A) The use of terms such as mestizo, mulatto, and creole
“In the year of our Lord 1315, hunger grew in the land. Entering the city we consider ‘them that are consumed with famine’ when we see the poor and needy, crushed with hunger, lying stiff and dead in the wards and streets.” Johannes de Trokelowe, English monk, fourteenth century C.E. What most likely caused the famine described above? (A) The Little Ice Age (B) Desertification (C) The Crusades (D) Monsoon flooding
What is (A) The Little Ice Age
Historians consider the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to be a time of great change in cultivation methods and in the physical landscape of Latin America. Which of the following pairings was most responsible for these changes? (A) Terraces and cacao (B) Encomiendas and corn (C) Horses and potatoes (D) Slave labor and sugar
What is (D) Slave labor and sugar
Which is the most likely reason that rulers during the seventeenth century built elaborate palaces, such as the one at Versailles, France? (A) To demonstrate their wealth and power (B) To provide jobs for artists, architects, and builders (C) To create fortresses as a defense against invading armies (D) To glorify and demonstrate the power of the official state religion
What is (A) To demonstrate their wealth and power
Which of the following was a major change in global patterns of religious beliefs and practices in the period 1450–1750 C.E.? (A) The emergence of syncretic religions led to an increase in polytheism. (B) Adherents of monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam increased both in number and in geographic scope as a result of conquest, trade, and missionary activities. (C) Intellectual movements such as the European Enlightenment weakened the authority of established religions and led to the growing popularity of atheism worldwide. (D) Messianic, revivalist, and fundamentalist movements came to dominate the indigenous religious traditions in Africa, Asia, and the Americas in response to Western imperialism.
What is (B) Adherents of monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam increased both in number and in geographic scope as a result of conquest, trade, and missionary activities.
45. Which of the following accurately describes the function of the mit’a system in the Inca Empire? (A) To gain tribute in the form of prisoners of war for ritual sacrifice (B) To raise a mercenary army to fight the Aztec Empire and Maya city-states (C) To compel Inca subjects to work on various state projects for a fixed term each year (D) To replace the nuclear family as the basic social unit of Inca society
What is (C) To compel Inca subjects to work on various state projects for a fixed term each year
"NEGROES --- You have taken up arms against your masters, and have burnt and plundered their houses and buildings. Some wicked persons have told you that the king has made you free, and that your masters withhold your freedom from you. In the name of the king I come among you to tell you you are misled. I bring with me numerous forces to punish the guilty, and all who are found with the rebels will be put to death without mercy. You cannot resist the king's troops. Surrender yourselves and beg that your crime may be pardoned. All who yield themselves up to any military post immediately, provided they are not principals and chiefs in the burnings that have been committed, will receive his Majesty's gracious pardon. All who hold out will meet with certain death." Commander Cotton’s reaction to the events in Jamaica These words might best be understood in the context of which of the following? (A) The expansion of the trans-Atlantic slave trade across the Caribbean (B) Mounting resistance to slavery in the Americas, reflected in challenges to imperial authority (C) Growing profitability of plantation slavery in the Americas (D) The waning influence of religious ideas and millenarianism in nationalist conflicts
What is (B) Mounting resistance to slavery in the Americas, reflected in challenges to imperial authority
Which of the following best supports the argument that colonialism was responsible for the lack of economic development in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East in the late twentieth century? (A) The tendency of former colonies to export raw materials (B) Corruption within the governments of former colonies (C) The presence of impoverished groups within industrialized states (D) The prosperity of some newly independent states
What is (A) The tendency of former colonies to export raw materials
“When one realizes the influence that the practice of physical exercises may have on the future of a country, and on the force of a whole race, one is tempted to wonder whether Greece is not likely to date a new era from the year 1896.” Pierre de Coubertin, about the first modern Olympic games in Athens, Greece, 1896 Which of the following offers the best interpretation of the passage above? (A) The development of international organizations to promote world peace (B) The use of sports to project national and social aspirations (C) The growth and diffusion of popular culture globally (D) The influence of Social Darwinism among European elites
What is (B) The use of sports to project national and social aspirations
Which of the following statements is accurate about Mesoamerican culture during the period from 400 B.C.E. to 800 C.E.? (A) The practice of monotheistic religions was widespread. (B) Monumental structures were built for rituals. (C) Large draft animals were domesticated for use in farming. (D) Extensive trade networks with Andean civilizations were created.
What is (B) Monumental structures were built for rituals.
Which of the following was a major factor in the centralization of the Han dynasty in China? (A) The adoption of Mongol methods of political organization (B) The reliance on a merit-based bureaucracy (C) The use of Buddhist beliefs to encourage loyalty to the emperor (D) The dependence on Daoist rituals
What is (B) The reliance on a merit-based bureaucracy
Eight hours’ daily labour is enough for any human being, and under proper arrangements sufficient to afford an ample supply of food, raiment and shelter, or the necessaries and comforts of life, and for the remainder of his time, every person is entitled to education, recreation and sleep.” Robert Owen, British factory owner and reformer, 1833 The excerpt above emphasizes which of the following solutions to the exploitation of industrial laborers? (A) Radical changes to the socioeconomic structure of Europe (B) Abolition of the factory system and industrial wage labor (C) Free food, housing, and other necessities for factory workers (D) Sufficient wages for factory workers to live full, comfortable lives
What is (D) Sufficient wages for factory workers to live full, comfortable lives
Which of the following was an important continuity from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty in the seventeenth century? (A) The ongoing assimilation of Manchu cultural traditions by the imperial elite (B) Maintenance of the Silk Roads to promote cultural exchanges with the Middle East (C) The use of the examination system and other Confucian bureaucratic practices (D) Financial support for maritime expeditions similar to those led by Zheng He
What is (C) The use of the examination system and other Confucian bureaucratic practices
“And God gave unto the Polish kings and knights freedom, that all might be brothers, both the richest and the poorest. The king and the men of knightly rank received into their brotherhood still more people. . . . And the number of brothers became as great as a nation, and in no nation were there so many people free and calling each other brothers as in Poland.” Adam Mickiewicz, poem, 1832, about Polish uprisings against Russia in 1830 and 1831 The passage above best reflects which of the following? (A) Marxist critiques of unequal distribution of wealth (B) Discontent with government bureaucracy (C) Development of nationalism
What is (C) Development of nationalism