growth and development
growth and development 2
cardiovascular 2
cardiovascular 3

What is the primary psychosocial task for a preschool-aged child according to Erikson’s stages of development?

A) Trust vs. Mistrust
B) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
C) Initiative vs. Guilt
D) Industry vs. Inferiority

C) initiative and guilt 


How can the nurse best facilitate the trust relationship between infant and parents while the infant is hospitalized? the nurse should...

A) encouraging the parents to remain at their child's bedside as much as possible

B)Keep parents informed about all aspects of their childs condition

C) Encourage the parents to hold their child as much as possibe 

D) Advise the parents to participate actively in their childs care

C) encourage the parents to hold their child as much as possible

A nurse is monitoring a 5-year-old child with a diagnosis of rheumatic fever. Which of the following assessments would indicate a potential complication of the disease?

A) Increased appetite
B) Murmurs on auscultation
C) Weight gain
D) Increased energy levels

B) murmers on auscultation


In a child with Kawasaki disease, which of the following findings would the nurse expect to observe?

A) Severe diarrhea
B) Desquamation of the skin
C) Bradycardia
D) Hypotension

B) Desquamation of the skin


A nurse is caring for a child with congestive heart failure (CHF). Which symptom would be most indicative of worsening heart failure?

 A) Decreased appetite
B) Mild edema in the feet
C) Increased respiratory effort
D) Irritability

C) increased respiratory effort


Which of the following behaviors would be considered a red flag for developmental delays in a 3-year-old child?

A) Cannot build a tower of 3 blocks
B) Can speak in 3-4 word sentences
C) Is interested in playing with other children
D) Can follow simple instructions

A) Cannot bild a tower of 3 blocks


Which statements by an infants mother lead the nurse to believe that she needs further education about the nutritional needs of a 6 month old?

A)I will continue to breastfeed my son and will give him oatmeal cereal 2x a day

B)I will start my son on fruits and gradually introduce vegetables

C)I will start my son on carrots and will introduce one new vegetable every few days

D)I will not give my son any more than 4-6 ounces of baby juice per day

E)I will make sure my son gets cereal 3x a day


B) Infants should be started on vegetables prior to fruits. the sweetness of fruits may inhibit infants from taking vegetables.

D)Infants can be given fruit juice by 6 months of age, but it is recommended not to exceed 4-6 ounces per day

E) Infants need another source of iron by 4-6 months of age, so cereal is introduced 2x a day


A 2-month-old infant is diagnosed with coarctation of the aorta. Which finding would the nurse expect during a physical examination?

A) Bounding pulses in the lower extremities
B) Weak pulses in the upper extremities
C) Normal blood pressure in the upper body
D) Cyanosis in the lower extremities

B) weak pulses in the upper extremeties 


A 2-year-old child presents with a history of frequent respiratory infections and failure to thrive. The nurse suspects a congenital heart defect. Which assessment finding would support this suspicion?

 A) Normal heart sounds
B) Weight within the 50th percentile
C) Clubbing of fingers and toes
D) Decreased peripheral pulses

C) clubbing of fingers and toes


A child is admitted with a diagnosis of rheumatic fever. Which of the following findings would the nurse expect on assessment? 

A) Bradycardia
B) Joint pain and swelling
C) Cyanotic extremities
D) Warm, flushed skin

B) joint pain and sweating


What is the primary concern for a nurse assessing the growth and development of a child who is 1 year old?

A) Social skills

B) Language development

C) Physical growth

D) Fine motor skills

C) Physical growth


which finding would the nurse consider abnormal when performing a physical assessment on a 6 month old 

a) posterior fontanel is open

b)anterior fontanel is open 

c) beginning signs of tooth eruption

d) able to track and follow objects


the posterior fontanel should close between 6-8 weeks of age


When teaching the parents of a child with ventricular septal defect (VSD), which statement by the parents indicates a need for further education?

A) "We should monitor our child for signs of heart failure."
B) "Our child may need surgery if the defect does not close on its own."
C) "We should limit our child's physical activity completely."
D) "Our child may have a loud murmur."

c) we should limit our childs physical activity completely


Which of the following complications is the nurse most concerned about in a child with untreated atrial septal defect (ASD)?

A) Hypertension
B) Heart failure
C) Cyanotic episodes
D) Arrhythmias

B) heart failure


A nurse is explaining to the parents of a child diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) about the importance of monitoring for "tet spells." Which statement by the parents indicates a need for further teaching?

 A) "We should encourage our child to stay calm."
B) "If our child turns blue, we should put them in a squat position."
C) "Tet spells can occur during physical activity."
D) "Our child may need medication to stop the spells."

D) our child may need medication to stop the spells


A nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the parents of a 3-year-old. Which of the following should the nurse emphasize? 

A) Encouraging solitary play
B) Understanding the concept of sharing
C) Teaching complex problem-solving skills
D) Focusing solely on physical development

B) Understanding the concept of sharing 


which statement of a mother to an 18 month old would lead the nurse to believe that the child should be reffered for further evaluation for developmental delay?

a) "my child is able to stand but is not yet taking steps independently"

b) "my child has a vocabulary of approximately 15 words"

c)"my child is still sucking his thumb"

d) "my child seems to be quite wary of strangers


the child should be walking independently by 15-18 months. because this toddler is 18 months and not walking, a refferal should be made for a developmental consult. 


A nurse is caring for a child post-cardiac catheterization. Which of the following is the priority nursing action?

A) Assessing the insertion site for bleeding
B) Monitoring vital signs
C) Encouraging oral fluid intake
D) Performing a neurological assessment

A) Assessing the insertion site for bleeding


A nurse is preparing to discharge a child with a history of a congenital heart defect. Which instruction should be included in the discharge teaching?

A) "Your child can participate in competitive sports."
B) "Monitor your child for signs of infection."
C) "Limit your child's fluid intake."
D) "Daily weight checks are not necessary."

B) monitor child for s/s of infection

A nurse is teaching a group of parents about the signs of Kawasaki disease. Which sign should the nurse emphasize as a key indicator? 

A) Peeling skin
B) High fever lasting more than five days
C) Lethargy
D) Weight loss

B) high fever lasting more than 5 days


A nurse is discussing developmental stages with a group of parents. Which statement about the psychosocial development of toddlers is correct?

 A) Toddlers typically exhibit cooperative play.
B) Autonomy versus shame and doubt is the primary conflict.
C) They are capable of abstract thinking.
D) They do not yet have a sense of initiative

B) Autonomy vs shame and soubt is the primary confilict 


Which stressor is common in hospitalized toddlers? select all that apply.

A) social isolation

B) interrupted routine

C) sleep disturbances 

D) self concept disturbances

E) fear of being hurt


 common stressors of the hospitalized toddler include interrupted routine, sleep pattern disturbances, and fear of being hurt 


A child presents to the emergency department with shortness of breath and cyanosis. The nurse notes a history of tetralogy of Fallot. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial nursing intervention?

A) Administer oxygen
B) Start IV fluids
C) Prepare for intubation
D) Administer a beta-agonist

A) administer 02


Which type of congenital heart defect is characterized by a connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta?

A) Ventricular septal defect
B) Patent ductus arteriosus
C) Atrial septal defect
D) Coarctation of the aorta

B) Patent ductus arteriosus


which interventions decrease cardiac demands in an infant with congestive heart failure? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

1. allow parents to hold and rock their child

2. feed onlt when the infant is crying

3. keep the child uncovered to promote low body temp

4. make frequesnt position changes

5. feed the child when sucking the fists

6. change bed linens only when necessary

7. organize nursing activities 


1- rocking by the parents will comfort the infant and decrease demands

4- frequent position changes

5- an infant sucking the fists could indicate hunger

6- change bed linens only when necessary to avoid disturbing the child

7- same as 6
