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a) The soft down from cattail spikes is used in baby diapers, cradleboards, and as a poultice for burns and smallpox sores. Pollen and rhizomes are used in cooking. 

b) Infusion of entire plant can treat stomach and bowl troubles, including dysentery 

c) Antiseptic infusion is made to treat abdominal pains, fevers, sore throat, colds and other sicknesses, treats diabetic ulcers.

d) Leaves and stems are boiled for tea, can treat headaches and fever. Plant is aromatic and used for perfume.  


  • Sci Name: Monarda fistulosa  

  • Common Name:  Wild bergamot 

  • Tribal Name: Wahpe waštémna  

  • Uses: Antiseptic infusion is made to treat abdominal pains, fevers, sore throat, colds and other sicknesses, treats diabetic ulcers.



a) Root infusion can stimulate appetite.

b) Root decoction to treat internal pains, smoke of dried root treat aches and pains, inhaled for head colds. 

c) Edible when young and white in center. When dried, the puffball powder is antibacterial for wounds. 

d) Infusion of entire plant can treat stomach and bowl troubles, including dysentery  


  • Sci Name: Asclepias stenophylla 

  • Common Name:  Narrowleaf milkweed  

  • Tribal Name: Thínsila phežúta  

  • Uses: Root infusion can stimulate appetite.



a) Young shoots can be boiled as emergency food, inner bark can be ground into flour. Infusion of needles can treat TB, Influenza and colds. 

b) The soft down from cattail spikes is used in baby diapers, cradleboards, and as a poultice for burns and smallpox sores. Pollen and rhizomes are used in cooking.  

c) Fruits are eaten as trail food when ripe, or to relieve hoarseness. Decoction used to treat back pain, stomachaches and kidney pain.  

d) Treats stomachaches, arthritis, rheumatism, eczema to a healthy tea with vitamins and minerals that good for children health.


  • Sci Name: Urtica dioica  

  • Common Name:  Stinging Nettle  

  • Tribal Name: Čhaníčhpehu  

  • Uses:treats stomachaches, arthritis, rheumatism, eczema to a healthy tea with vitamins and minerals that good for children health.



a) Leaves and stems are boiled for tea, can treat headaches and fever. Plant is aromatic and used for perfume. 

b) Decoction of whole plants treats stomach pains, resin used as antiseptic.

c) Root decoction to treat internal pains, smoke of dried root treat aches and pains, inhaled for head colds. 

d) Poultice of root is applied to wounds, sores, and burns; roots and seeds can be chewed to relieve all sorts of ailments.  


  • Sci Name: Balsmorhiza sagittata 

  • Common Name: Arrowleaf balsamroot 

  • Tribal Name: Hutkán thánka  

  • Uses: Decoction of whole plants treats stomach pains, resin used as antiseptic.  



a) Roots are eaten fresh or braided and dried for later. Good in soups and stews. Roots are ground up and used for stomach ulcers and irritated bowels.  

b) Infusion tea can treat lung congestion caused by flu. Infusion bath can treat eczema. 

c) Leaves and stems burned for smudging – cleansing; infusion treats stomach, colds, sore throat, and calm nerves.  

d)  Leaves and stems are boiled for tea, can treat headaches and fever. Plant is aromatic and used for perfume. 


  • Sci Name: Artemisia ludaviciana 

  • Common Name: Ceremonial sage  

  • Tribal Name: Pheží hóta wápe blakáska  

  • Uses: Leaves and stems burned for smudging – cleansing; infusion treats stomach, colds, sore throat, and calm nerves.  



a) Young shoots can be boiled as emergency food, inner bark can be ground into flour. Infusion of needles can treat TB, Influenza and colds.  

b) Flowers are used to make blue paint for shoes. Leaves and flowers are edible.

c) Infusion tea can treat lung congestion caused by flu. Infusion bath can treat eczema.  

d) Edible when young and white in center. When dried, the puffball powder is antibacterial for wounds.  


  • Sci Name: Tradescantia bracteata  

  • Common Name: Bracted spiderwort 

  • Tribal Name: Čhanhlóğan phánphanla  

  • Uses: Flowers are used to make blue paint for shoes. Leaves and flowers are edible.



a) A poultice can treat bruises. Leaves can treat asthma. Oil can treat acne, fibrocystic breast tissue, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis, and high cholesterol. 

b) A root decoction for mouthwash and wound cleaning. The dried root is made into a healing salve or added to smoking mixtures. 

c) Antiseptic infusion is made to treat abdominal pains, fevers, sore throat, colds and other sicknesses, treats diabetic ulcers.

d) Strands of this grass are braided and burned for cleansing and ceremonies. 


  • Sci Name: Oenothera biennis  

  • Common Name: Evening primrose  

  • Tribal Name: Čhanhlógan húhla  

  • Uses: Apoultice can treat bruises. Leaves can treat asthma. Oil can treat acne, fibrocystic breast tissue, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis, and high cholesterol.  



a) Powdered root is packed into wounds to stop bleeding. Roots can be dried and used for red dye.  

b) An infusion of dried leaves, stems, and flowers treat stomach problem and influenza. It’s also used to treat UTI’s, yeast infections and sore throats.  

c) Flowers, buds, seed pods are edible. The roots are used for shampoo, to treat stoachaches, and to aid in childbirth. 

d) The oil is used to moisturize hair and skin, boiled flowers are drunk for pulmonary problems. Seeds are edible.  


  • Sci Name: Helianthus annuus  

  • Common Name:  Annual sunflower 

  • Tribal Name: Wahčá zizí  

  • Uses: The oil is used to moisturize hair and skin, boiled flowers are drunk for pulmonary problems. Seeds are edible.  


a) Fruits are eaten as trail food when ripe, or to relieve hoarseness. Decoction used to treat back pain, stomachaches and kidney pain.  

b) Decoction of whole plants treats stomach pains, resin used as antiseptic. 

c) Berry is eaten raw or dried for later, poultice of the root bark can treat swelling.  

d) Infusion tea can treat lung congestion caused by flu. Infusion bath can treat eczema. 


  • Sci Name: Ribes americanum  

  • Common Name: Black currant  

  • Tribal Name: Čhančhéyazala  

  • Uses: Berry is eaten raw or dried for later, poultice of the root bark can treat swelling.  


a) Infusion of this plant acts as an expectorant to threat bronchitis or influenza. Poultice can be healing to diabetic ulcers.

b) An infusion of dried leaves, stems, and flowers treat stomach problem and influenza. It’s also used to treat UTI’s, yeast infections and sore throats. 

c) A root decoction for mouthwash and wound cleaning. The dried root is made into a healing salve or added to smoking mixtures. 

d)  Infusion of entire plant can treat stomach and bowl troubles, including dysentery 


  • Sci Name: Verbesum thapsus  

  • Common Name: Common mullien 

  • Tribal Name: Apé hinšmá  

  • Uses: Infusion of this plant acts as an expectorant to threat bronchitis or influenza. Poultice can be healing to diabetic ulcers.


a) Can be cooked in stews or eaten raw. Good for heart and blood detox.

b) Antiseptic infusion is made to treat abdominal pains, fevers, sore throat, colds and other sicknesses, treats diabetic ulcers.

c) Flowers, buds, seed pods are edible. The roots are used for shampoo, to treat stoachaches, and to aid in childbirth.

d) Infusion of this plant acts as an expectorant to threat bronchitis or influenza. Poultice can be healing to diabetic ulcers. 


  • Sci Name: Yucca glauca  

  • Common Name:  Yucca / Soapweed 

  • Tribal Name: Huphéstola 

  • Uses: Flowers, buds, seed pods are edible. The roots are used for shampoo, to treat stoachaches, and to aid in childbirth.


a) A root decoction for mouthwash and wound cleaning. The dried root is made into a healing salve or added to smoking mixtures. 

b) Poultice is made to treat skin infections. Nuts are eaten, root bark is used for black dye.  

c) A poultice can treat bruises. Leaves can treat asthma. Oil can treat acne, fibrocystic breast tissue, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis, and high cholesterol. 

d)  Antiseptic infusion is made to treat abdominal pains, fevers, sore throat, colds and other sicknesses, treats diabetic ulcers.


  • Sci Name: Juglans nigra  

  • Common Name: Black Walnut  

  • Tribal Name: Čhansápa 

  • Uses: Poultice is made to treat skin infections. Nuts are eaten, root bark is used for black dye.  


a) Tree trunks are used for sundance loadging. The bark when chewed or boiled can treat minor aches and pains.  

b) Infusion tea can treat lung congestion caused by flu. Infusion bath can treat eczema. 

c) Seeds boiled or ground into flour 

d) Leaves and stems are boiled for tea, can treat headaches and fever. Plant is aromatic and used for perfume.


  • Sci Name: Populus deltoides  

  • Common Name: Cottonwood  

  • Tribal Name: Čhanyáh’u  

  • Uses: Tree trunks are used for sundance loadging. The bark when chewed or boiled can treat minor aches and pains.  


a) Flowers are used to make blue paint for shoes. Leaves and flowers are edible.  

b)  Leaves and stems are boiled for tea, can treat headaches and fever. Plant is aromatic and used for perfume. 

c)  Powdered root is packed into wounds to stop bleeding. Roots can be dried and used for red dye.  

d)  Infusion of entire plant can treat stomach and bowl troubles, including dysentery


  • Sci Name: Lithospermum caroliniense  

  • Common Name: Carolina puccoon 

  • Tribal Name: Phažúta wahesa  

  • Uses: Powdered root is packed into wounds to stop bleeding. Roots can be dried and used for red dye.  


a) Edible when young and white in center. When dried, the puffball powder is antibacterial for wounds. 

b)  Leaves and stems burned for smudging – cleansing; infusion treats stomach, colds, sore throat, and calm nerves. 

c) A root decoction for mouthwash and wound cleaning. The dried root is made into a healing salve or added to smoking mixtures. 

d) An infusion of dried leaves, stems, and flowers treat stomach problem and influenza. It’s also used to treat UTI’s, yeast infections and sore throats.  


  • Sci Name: Solidago missouriensis 

  • Common Name: Prairie goldenrod  

  • Tribal Name: Čhanhlóğan škiškíta  

  • Uses: An infusion of dried leaves, stems, and flowers treat stomach problem and influenza. It’s also used to treat UTI’s, yeast infections and sore throats.  
