Test Vocab
STAAR Strategies
Use the Context-Clues
Make Inferences
This is the lesson learned in the story.
What is the theme?
Always read the ____________ first.
What are the questions?
This type of text is REAL. Examples include: an article, an encyclopedia, and a biography.
What is nonfiction?
The annual rainfall comes every year in February, drenching the plants so that they can grow in spring. What is the meaning of annual?
What is "every year"
Simba believes that he killed his father, Mufasa. Make an inference about how Simba feels. I infer that Simba feels....
What is guilty?
This is how your story sounds.
What is tone?
On the day of the STAAR make sure that you eat a big __________.
What is breakfast?
This type of text is complete made up! Examples include: fantasy, realistic, and folktales.
What is fiction?
The remote beach was located far away from the grocery store, the gas station, and the library. What does remote mean?
What is "located far away"
A fish named Marlin just saw his son Nemo become captured by a scuba diver. Make an inference, how does Marlin feel? I infer that Marlin feels....
What is sad, upset, mortified, scared, mad?
This is the word for looking at the similarities between two things.
What is compare?
When you don't know a word, use the _____ _______ to figure it out.
What are context clues?
This type of fiction seems like it COULD happen, even though it is made up. Examples include: Diary of Wimpy Kid, Wonder, and Dork Diaries.
What is Realistic Fiction?
The architect designed houses, office buildings, and malls before he retired and stopped working at age 60. What is the meaning of architect?
What is a person who designs buildings?
In Your Move, the older brother, James, thought that that his six-year-old brother, Isaac, had been shot. Make an inference, how does James feel? I infer that James feels...
What is scared, upset, mortified, guilty, heart-broken?
This is the word for the MOST exciting part of your story.
What is the climax?
You can ____________ the title of a non-fiction article to find the main idea.
What is flip?
This type of Non-fiction describes the life of one person, but is written by a different person. Examples include: Paul Revere's Ride, Who is Abraham Lincoln?, and The Life of Helen Keller.
What is biography?
The architect designed houses, office buildings, and malls before he retired and stopped working at age 60. What is the meaning of retired?
What is to stop working at an old age.
In Priscilla and the Wimps, Priscilla pushed Monk, the leader of the gang the Cobras, into a locker when he was bullying a kid named Melvin. Make an inference- what is Priscilla's relationship to Melvin?
What is friend, girlfriend, a girl who likes Melvin?
This is the word for comparisons like metaphors or similes used in poems or stories to help with understanding.
What is figurative language?
As you read the passage it is a good idea to take ________ beside each paragraph.
What is take notes.
This type of fiction describes real events in history, but in a make-believe way. Examples include: Number the Stars and Letters from Rifka.
What is historical-fiction?
The bizarre man wore a hat with a lion's head on it, and was dancing in circles while singing to the sky. What is the meaning of bizarre?
What is odd, weird, or peculiar?
In the short story "The No-Guitar Blues", Fausto really wanted a guitar. He tried to mow lawns in his neighborhood, help elderly people get their groceries, and rake leaves. This shows Fausto's character. I infer that Fausto is...
What is a hard-worker?