People in Pragmatism
In Education
Theories and Criticism
Pragmatic Pedigree
His work was perhaps the most influential on Pragmatism from the standpoint of science. His theory of evolution helped foster examination of many areas of intellectual inquiry and the cosmology of development.
Who is Charles Darwin?

It is a philosophical movement that pragmatism was developed as a response. 

What is idealism?


Critics argue that pragmatism rejects this type of knowledge in favor of flexible, experiential learning.

What is traditional or formal knowledge?


It is a knowledge derived from empirical observation and experience.

What is induction?

Often described as "open", "professional", or "high"; A person must first interact with this if they hope to make changes to it.
What is society?
This man established inductive methodologies for scientific inquiries ("Scientific Method") which is applied by pragmatists to various things such as art, education and even ethics, but probably not to fatty breakfast meat.
Who is Francis Bacon?
A process of helping students identify problems and study organized knowledge in order to understand how social life developed from the past and what things need to be maintained and what things need to be changed. - Guide learners in their experiences
What is Teaching?

This 20th-century philosopher is known for his critique of pragmatism's relativism in addressing life’s challenges.

Who is Richard Rorty?


The view that the individual's mind at birth is without mental content. "A blank slate"

What is Tabula Rasa?


The original term "pragmatic" is derived from this Greek word meaning "business" or "to do."

What is pragma?

Although during his life he was never able to "perforate" the bubble of popular recognition, this man's works influenced pragmatists with his conclusions that ideas are little more than hypotheses until tested on the anvil of experience.
Who is Charles Sanders Pierce?
Pragmatists believe all of this is related.
What is knowledge?

John Dewey’s critics argued that his education philosophy required this type of highly capable and well-educated teacher.

What is an exceptional or versatile teacher?

This knowledge or skill gained through involvement or exposure gives pragmatism an environmental orientation.
What is experience?
This philosophy is a direct descendant of pragmatism, focusing on social issues such as race.
What is Neopragmatism?
Born in Geneva, Switzerland, he insisted that environment was important in the shaping of human experience and thought, and that a child's interests should guide education.
Who is Jean Jacques Rousseau?
Pragmatists hold that education is a process of this because there are always new things to learn, and different things to experience.
What is experimentation?

This pragmatic idea involves the continual adaptation of students to real-world changes and experiences.

What is continuous improvement or adaptability?

Fundamentally important to pragmatism, this process developed by Francis Bacon, is applied by pragmatists to the problems of humanity to secure a more democratic/humane way of life for all.
What is the scientific method?

This 1870s group, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, laid the foundation for the development of pragmatism.

What is the Metaphysical Club?

Emphasized science was more than just a concern with physical matter but also could be used to solve social problems.
Who is Auguste Comte?
The concept of experimentation is basic to pragmatism. This name of Dewey's school in Chicago illustrates his view that education should be experimental.
What is the "Laboratory School"?

Critics have charged that pragmatism is too focused on situational ethics and lacks these types of permanent values.

What are traditional or fixed values?


It is a philosophical theory that asserts that knowledge is only derived from observable, empirical evidence and scientific methods. It emphasizes that facts and truths can be determined through direct observation, experimentation, and logical analysis, while rejecting metaphysical or abstract reasoning.

What is positivism? 


Pragmatists reject this concept in education, where knowledge is separated into isolated subjects without real-world context.

What is compartmentalization?
