Questions I got wrong on the practice test

What are the included topics of DEFINE?

- M&B for student success

- ASCA ethical standards

- ASCA professional standards 

- Student Standards


What are the topics included in the Manage section? 

Program Focus


Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Program Planning

Data (Participation, Mindsets & Behaviors, Outcomes)

Annual Student Outcome Goals School Data


Program Results Data Action Plans

• Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Action


• Closing-the-Gap Action Plan/Results Report

Lesson Plans


Advisory Council


Administrative Conference


What are the topics in the deliver section? 

Direct Student Services


Appraisal and Advisement


Indirect Student Services





What are the topics included in the ASSESS section? 

Program Assessment

School Counseling Program Assessment

Annual Results Report

• Classroom Results Report

• Small-Group Results Report

• Closing-the-Gap Results Results Report

School Counselor Assessment and Appraisal

ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards & Competencies

School Counselor Performance Appraisal

Reporting Results


A school counselor conducts a needs assessment with students and staff. Using  the data gathered from the needs assessment, the counselor could do all of the following EXCEPT: 

1. Identify small-group counseling 

2. Design classroom guidance curriculum 

3. Identify Individual Student needs 

4. Evaluate the previous year's program 

Evaluate the previous year's program 


What is this definition for? 

-  a review of research and college- and career-readiness documents created by a variety of organizations that have identified strategies making an impact on student achievement and academic performance.

ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors


What is M & B data? 

Mindsets & Behaviors data show what progress students have made toward attaining the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors standards and answer the question, “What did students learn through participation in school counseling activities?”


Which of the following is an example of a technique that is used in solution-brief counseling? 

1. scaling questions

2. Free association 

3. empty chair 

4. self-changing talk

scaling questions


What are the 3 types of Annual results reports? 

- Classroom Results Report

• Small-Group Results Report

• Closing-the-Gap Results Results Report


Carl Rodgers' Person-centered therapy identifies 3 key factors necessary for an effective relationship. Which is Not one of those? 

1. congruence

2. unconditional positive regard

3. empathy

d. Transference



What are the three categories that are outlined in the Behavior standards within the M&B document? 

Learning strategies, Self-management skills, and social skills


What is Participation Data? 

 Participation data answers the question, “Who participated in what activities?” This data describes how many students were affected by the activity, how much time was devoted to the activity and how many sessions were conducted. 

ex. Eight fourth-grade students participated in study skills sessions that met six times for 45 minutes.


What is the difference between Appraisal and Advisement 


 is the process where school counselors work with students toanalyze and assess their abilities, interests, skills and achievement. The defining characteristic for appraisal is its focus on a student test, inventory or other data that includes some level of interpretation, assessment and feedback leading to the development of academic, career and/orsocial/emotional plans.


is the process through which school counselors make recommendations based on appraisal of tests, inventories, and other data to help students make decisions for their future. It serves to inspire students to realize their maximum potential. 


Which assessment provides various tests along the way in order to track progress and learning style?

Formal assessment


which major component of a comprehensive school counseling program most directly allows a school counselor to demonstrate school-level leadership? 

1. counseling curriculum

2. Individual planning

3. Responsive Services

4. System Support

System Support


What are the three broad domains that promote mindsets and behaviors that enhance student's learning process and create a culture of college and career readiness for all students? 

Academic, Career, and Social/Emotional Development

What three types of data does the Annual data review examine? 

achievement, attendance, and discipline

When should you make a referral? 

when students’ needs extend beyond the training and/or responsibilities of the school counseling role


What type of assessment is used to determine where an individual is on a spectrum with a certain skill set? 

Diagnosis Assessment 


In which of the following scenarios would  observation of a student by a counselor or other professional be appropriate method of gathering data? 

1. Evaluating if a child has ADHD

2. Assessing the effectiveness of instructional interventions

3. Tracking the frequency of a behavior intervention plan

4. determining if a child requires special education services 

3. Tracking the frequency of a behavior intervention plan


What are the three categories outlined in the behaviors portion of the ASCA school counselor professional standards & competencies? 

Professional foundation, direct/indirect services, and Planning and Assessment. 


What are the 3 steps of the closing-the-gap action plan? 

Specific goal to be addressed

Intended methods of assessing school success using participation, Mindsets &Behaviors, and outcome data

Intended impact on measurable student outcome data (achievement,attendance, discipline)


What is the difference between collaboration and consultation? 

Consultation: the process of providing information, opinions, and recommendations to individuals who can support a student’s need or seeking information from an expert about student needs. School counselors both provide and seek consultation.

Collaboration: the process in which multiple individuals work toward a common goal and share responsibility for the associated tasks. It occurs in a variety of situations.


What does a counselor do with the results of a Strong interest inventory? 

shows students how to use the data base to learn more about careers in categories that they scored highly in. 


which of the following is NOT an appropriate method by which a school counselor would support students with disabilities under the IDEA? 

1. Providing classroom guidance curriculum to students with special needs as part of the full school program 

2. Encouraging a student's parents to participate in scheduled IEP meeting 

3. Writing social-emotional goals for a student's IEP to be addressed through counseling

4. Providing short-term, goal-focused individual counseling 

Writing social-emotional goals for a student's IEP to be addressed through counseling
