What are the first three words of the Our Father?
What is 'Our Father, who'?
What angel greeted Mary with the words, 'Hail, full of grace'?
Who is 'Gabriel'?
Complete this prayer: 'Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the ______
What is 'Holy Spirit'?
What is the name of the beads used to pray the Rosary?
What is 'Rosary beads'?
In the Our Father, we ask for our daily ______
What is 'bread'?
What does 'Blessed art thou among women' mean?
What is 'Mary is honored as the most blessed woman because she is the mother of Jesus'?
What does 'world without end' mean in the Glory Be?
What is 'It refers to God's eternal kingdom that will never end'?
Which saint is famous for receiving the stigmata and wrote the prayer, 'Make me an instrument of your peace'?
A. St. Francis of Assisi
B. St. Jerome
C. St. Thomas Aquinas
D. St. Gregory
E. St. Patrick
Who is 'St. Francis of Assisi'?
Which Catholic prayer devotion involves meditating on the Passion of Jesus at 14 stations?
What is 'The Stations of the Cross'?
What does the phrase 'Thy kingdom come' mean in the Our Father?
What is 'We are asking for God's rule in our hearts and on earth'?
The second half of the Hail Mary asks Mary to pray for us when?
What is 'Now and at the hour of our death'?
What is the main purpose of the Glory Be prayer?
What is 'To give praise and glory to the Holy Trinity'?
Which saint wrote the famous Spiritual Exercises and founded the Jesuits?
A. St. Francis of Assisi
B. St. Ignatius of Loyola
C. St. Ignatius of Antioch
D. St. Teresa of Avila
Who is 'St. Ignatius of Loyola'?
What day of the week is traditionally dedicated to the Rosary's Sorrowful Mysteries?
What is 'Friday'?
What does 'Lead us not into temptation' mean?
What is 'We ask God to help us avoid sin and stay strong in our faith'?
The phrase 'Holy Mary, Mother of God' was affirmed at which Church council?
What is 'The Council of Ephesus'?
Which feast celebrates the Holy Trinity, honored in the Glory Be?
What is 'Trinity Sunday'?
Which Saint wrote this prayer: Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. ??
Who is 'St. Patrick'?
Which prayer is often said three times daily in honor of the Incarnation of Jesus?
What is 'The Angelus'?
Which Gospel contains the Our Father as part of the Sermon on the Mount?
What is 'The Gospel of Matthew'?
What is the title of the prayer where the Hail Mary is repeated while meditating on Jesus' life?
What is 'The Rosary'?
What Latin phrase is the Glory Be also known by?
What is 'Gloria Patri'?
Which saint was known as the 'Apostle of Divine Mercy' and shared the message of God's mercy through the Divine Mercy Chaplet?
A. St. Maximilian Kolbe
B. St. Rafael
C. St. Mary Margaret
D. St. Fuastina Kowalska
Who is 'St. Faustina Kowalska'?
What Marian apparition in Portugal encouraged praying the Rosary daily for world peace?
What is 'Our Lady of Fatima'?