Early Native Americans
Native American Culture
Exploring the World

The Native American culture pracices _________ and ____________ as a mean to gather food for a subsistence lifestyle.

Hunting- and Gathering- animals provided food, clothing, shelter, and tools, small game, fishing, gathering nuts, berries, and fruit along grains.


Explain how Native Americans would choose what animal to hunt and kill. 

hint: furture hunting in mind

Native Americans would carefully choose which animals to hunt based on the need to preserve animal populations for future hunts. They often targeted older or weaker animals, allowing younger and healthier ones to continue breeding and maintaining the species for the future.


What was the dominant religion in Europe before the Reformation?



What was the primary purpose of Columbus’s first voyage in 1492?

Finding a new route to Asia/ India.


What was the significance of Benjamin Franklin’s "Join or Die" cartoon during the French and Indian War?

Promoting colonial unity against the French and Native American threats, symbolizing the importance of collective action


What was the first plant believed to be developed for human use by ancient Americans?

Maize (corn)


What was a common method of social organization among Native American tribes?

Kinship bonds and family ties.


What is the term for a household made up of a mother and father and their children, gender largely determines the division of labor.

Nuclear Family


Who is the Portuguese prince who established a school for navigation and sponsored early voyages along the African coast?

Prince Henry the Navigator


How did the European slave trade impact the economies of both Europe and the American colonies?

Fueling European wealth through trade and supporting plantation economies in the colonies with enslaved labor


How did the introduction of European diseases impact Native American populations during the early period of colonization?

European diseases like smallpox and measles caused massive deaths among Native Americans, who had no immunity. This greatly reduced their populations and made it easier for Europeans to take over their lands.


How did the lack of an alphabet affect the persepctive of Native American history and historical narrtives/ evidence?

Without an alphabet, Native Americans used oral stories and carvings to share their history. This makes it harder for historians to find written records, leading to gaps in understanding their past.


What was the social hierarchy in European societies during this time

A system with monarchs, nobles, and priests at the top and peasants at the bottom


Which Spanish conquistador is credited with conquering the Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico?

Hernan Cortes


What was the primary purpose of the large mounds built in Cahokia, and what do they reveal about the society’s structure?

Ceremonial and burial purposes, revealing a social hierarchy and complex sophisication in their architectural creations that had not been seen by European exploerers before


How did the end of the Ice Age around 10,000 years ago impact the early Americans' way of life?

It led to the disappearance of the land bridge and a shift to hunting small game and gathering.


How did Native American religious beliefs differ from those of Europeans?

Native Americans believed the natural world was filled with spirits and that mother nature provides natural resources necessary to live. The world provides everything, a gift from nature and the pastspirits of their people. 


What were the series of military expeditions from 1096 to 1270to the Middle East in the name of Christianity called? Did they succeed or fail, why or why not?

The Crusades

They largely failed in their goal to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control, Crusades did lead to increased trade with Asia and weakened the power of European nobles, which eventually contributed to European expansion


Which explorer is known for his exploration of Florida and the search for the Fountain of Youth?

Juan Ponce De Leon


How did Enlightenment ideas influence the political thinking of American colonists in the 18th century?

Encouraging beliefs in individual rights, reason, and self-governance, which contributed to the push for independence


How did Native Americans view land ownership compared to Europeans?

Native Americans believed land was a communal resource and could not be owned.


Explain three ACCURATE ways in which Native Americans used ALL parts of the animal for survival. 

bones for tools, stomach for boiling pots, teeth for sharp points, scapulas for shovels, hides for warmth and protection and shelter, meat for food. 


What was the Renaissance, and how did it influence European exploration?

A period of renewed interest in classical knowledge that sparked exploration


How did Marco Polo’s journey to China impact European exploration?

Marco Polo’s journey made Europeans want to find sea routes to Asia, leading to new navigation tools like the compass and astrolabe, and better ships like the caravel.


What were the primary economic activities in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies, and how did they differ?

Shipbuilding, fishing and trade in New England, 

Grain and livestock, small scale agriculture farming in the Middle colonies, 

and plantation agriculture in the Southern colonies
