European Colonization
Impacts of the American Revolution
American Revolutionary War
Colonial Influences

American Colonists declared their independence in...



What are the 3 G's?

God, Gold, Glory- these were the incentives for Europeans to travel to the Americas.


What are the Articles of Confederation?

It explained how the 13 states would be governed as a union of states. Here are the basics:

  • Each state was independent and had its own government.

  • Each state would send representatives to the “Congress of the Confederation,” a lawmaking body.

  • Congress was the only branch of government. (No president or courts.)

• In Congress, each state got one vote.


What battle is the titled as the "shot heard around the world"? This battle was also the beginning of the American Revolution. 

Lexington and Concord


What is self government?

People can make decisions on how their government should work.


True/False: The colonists in America were expected to follow British law. 



What is the transatlantic trade route? 

The trade routes between North America, England, Africa, and the West Indies. Each ship carried goods that impacted the economies and environment where they landed.


What is one benefit of the Articles of Confederation, or one con of the Articles of Confederation 

Pro: No longer apart of British Rule, no big government 

Con: States could not enforce laws, put together a military, every state had to agree to pass laws, and could not collect taxes for the expensive war they just had


What was the outcome of enslaved people being allowed to fight in the Revolutionary War? 

Between 30,000 and 100,000 slaves deserted their masters during the war. In 1783, thousands of Loyalist former slaves fled with the British army.

The Revolution’s rhetoric of equality created a “revolutionary generation” of slaves and free blacks that would eventually encourage the antislavery movement. The fight for liberty led some Americans to manumit (free) their slaves, and most of the new northern states soon passed gradual emancipation laws. Manumission also occurred in the Upper South, but in the Lower South, some masters revoked their offers of freedom for service, and other freedmen were forced back into bondage. 


The pilgrims left on a ship that has the same name as this compact, and within the document pilgrims agreed to create their own government, follow laws, and support the common good of one another. 

Mayflower Compact


What act forced colonists to put expensive tax stamps on all legal documents, newspapers, calendars, and almanacs? 

Stamp Act


Columbus discovered America.. why is this statement misleading? 

Bonus: What is the consequence of Columbus's arrival to the Bahamas?

The first human beings to arrive in North America had come over a land bridge from Asia and Siberia approximately 13,000 to 13,500 years ago. By 1492, millions of indigenous people thrived in the Americas. 

Bonus: This discovery begins the age of European colonization, resulting in the forceful take over of countries, mass expansion of slavery, and greed within Western nations. 


What is the great compromise? Think big vs. small states, anti-federalists v. federalists...

The two sides—large states and small states—finally reached an agreement called the Great Compromise. Under the Constitution, Congress is divided into two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. In the Senate, each state gets two votes, no matter what size it is. This favors small states. In the House of Representatives, the more people a state has, the more votes it gets. This favors large states.


Who is Crispus Attucks? Hint: Boston Massacre 

Crispus Attucks, a sailor of mixed African and Indigenous ancestry, died in Boston on March 5, 1770 after British soldiers fired two musket balls into his chest. John Adams defended the soliders that killed Attucks and 29 others by pleading the jury's prejudice and stated that they were the aggressors. During the abolition era,  William Cooper Nell, held up the death of Attucks as the first martyr of the American Revolution. Nell's seminal work, The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution, fought the erasure of Black people from the story of the American Revolution. Nell led this work with the story of Crispus Attucks, highlighting his death as the first in the cause for liberty.


What is limited government? 

A government that has been limited in power by a constitution, or written agreement.


The series of four punishments that were meant to put down the rebellion in the colonies, but were ultimately the last straw for the colonies were called the...

Intolerable Acts 


What is the middle passage? (It is a part of the transatlantic trade)

The middle passage was the route from Africa to the Americas. Africans forced onto the ships were subjected to inhumane conditions such as being chained together tightly for long periods of time, being provided insufficient food, and other torture and abuse. This was all done to maximize profit for the enslavers.


What is assimilation? 

The process where individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society.

After the colonies became one country
in 1776, the U.S. wanted more control of land the Native nations occupied. The U.S. began making treaties under the threat of violence. To protect their people and have access to food and water, Native nations with often signed treaties forfeiting their land. 


This woman warned the founding fathers to not forget about the ladies, and that if they did their would ultimately be political unrest in the future... She is the wife of a John

Abagail Adams


This important influential document, issued in 1215 in Great Britain, established the expectation that the rulers should not have unlimited power and the people should have certain protected rights..... 

Magna Carta 
