Interview Skills
Job Searching Process
Communication at Work
Professional Attire

How many minutes early should you arrive to an interview?

10-15 minutes


How can you search for a job?

Job Websites,( Indeed, My Next Move, NCWorks )Newspaper, Word of mouth, Community, etc...


What should you never discuss during work hours?

Personal life, personal drama, or any gossip.


What are some ways to communicate with coworkers?

 Face to face, Email, Telephone, Texting, and Body Language.


What are some ways you could look nice for work?

Dress nice, comb hair, take a shower, clean clothes, etc.


How should you prepare for an interview?

Bring your resume, have a mock interview, do your research, have questions for the interviewer, etc...


What should you do if you are interested in a job?

Ask for/fill out an application.


What do you do if a supervisor or boss asks you to do a task you are unsure of?

Ask questions. It's better to ask questions than to do the job incorrectly.


How should your communication be within the workplace?

Appropriate; Formal; Professional.


Why is it important to dress professionally in the workplace?

It shows that you care about your job and your responsibilities.


What are some examples of professional body language during an interview?

Sitting up straight, hands in your lap, eye contact, feet on the floor, confidence, etc...


Who could you ask if you needed help finding a job?

Teacher, Friend, Family, etc.


What should you do if your boss is late to a meeting?

Give them a few minutes and then politely call or text.


When calling clients or businesses at work, how should you talk on the phone?

By using proper phone etiquette and speaking into the phone clearly. You should never talk too fast, and you should always announce who you are and where you are calling from.


What are some examples of inappropriate clothing to wear at work?

Revealing skirts or shirts, really high heels, bathing suits, sweatpants, see through clothing, undergarments showing, holes in your clothing.


How should you dress for an interview?

Ladies: Pant Suit, Dress/Skirt (knee length), Dress Shoes (short heel), Brushed hair,Minimal Make-Up, Minimal Perfume. Gentlemen: Suit & Tie, Collared Button Up Shirt, Dress Pants, Dress Shoes, Dark Socks, Minimal Cologne, Brushed Hair.


What should you make sure is updated during the job searching process?

Your Resume.


How should you handle conflict in the workplace?

Stay calm; try and work out the issue with the other party. If the conflict cannot be solved between the two parties, it should be brought up the chain of command to have the situation mediated.


How would you talk differently to kids than adults?

Smile more, be more perky, use smaller words


What is the one of first things an employer or customer will notice when you walk through the door?

How you are dressed.


How should you end your interview?

Firm handshake, thank them for the opportunity/their time, send thank you letter, etc...


How could you get to a job interview?

Car, walk, bus, get a ride, etc.


How can you show that you are listening?

Look up, eye contact, nod, smile, repeat what they said


Why is communication important when working in groups?

So that coworkers can assist each other, and get the job done as a team.


If you are unsure of what to wear to your job, what can you do?

You can ask the employer or read the dress code in the employee handbook.
