Job Exploration &
Workplace Readiness Training
Post Secondary Education &
Work-Based Learning Experiences

What does IEP stand for?

Individualized Education Plan


What does Pre-ETS stand for?

Pre-Employment Transition Services


What does self-advocacy mean?* 

A) Helping others

B) Speaking up for yourself

C) Being silent in class


What is job exploration?* 

A) Attending college

B) Finding a sport you enjoy

C) Discovering different careers and interests


What are examples of post-secondary education?* 

A) Community college

B) Vocational/Trade school

C) University

D) All of the above


What is an IEP?*

A) A list of your current grades.

B) A class you take in high school.

C) A document written that describes what you need to be successful in school. 


What are the 5 Pre-ETS?

- Self-Advocacy Instruction

- Job Exploration Counseling

- Workplace Readiness Training

- Post-Secondary Education Counseling

- Work-Based Learning Experiences


Why is it important to know your strengths and challenges?* 

A) Because it is fun

B) So you can share them with everyone

C) To better understand yourself and communicate your needs


What is workplace readiness training?* 

A) Training for a sports competition

B) Learning skills and attitudes for success at work

C) Learning a new language


Provide examples of vocational/trade schools?* 

A) Welding

B) Cosmetology

C) Plumbing

D) All of the above


How often do you meet for an IEP?* 

A) Monthly

B) Yearly

C) Every 2 years

D) Whenever requested/necessary

E) B & D


What is a Pre-ETS Consent Form?* 

A) A form filled out by parent/guardian

B) A form that provides permission to participate in Pre-ETS

C) A form signed by student and parent/guardian

D) All of the above


Which of the following is an example of self-advocacy in school?* 

A) Ignoring problems

B) Asking for help when needed

C) Doing all the work alone


Why should you explore different jobs while in high school?* 

A) To become an expert in video games

B) To figure out what jobs might be a good fit for your future

C) To avoid going to school forever


What is a work-based learning experience?* 

A) An opportunity for students to gain hands on experience to identify strengths, interests, and develop skills for employment

B) An on-the-job training paid for by DVR

C) An unpaid internship

D) All of the above


Who is invited to an IEP?* 

A) Student

B) Teachers, Parents, & Principal

C) Guidance, Speech, adult agencies, etc. 

D) All of the above

E)  B & C


Who qualifies for Pre-ETS?* 

A) A student with a disability (504 plan or IEP)

B) A student between ages of 14-21

C) A student currently enrolled in school

D) All of the above

E) A & B


If you're having difficulty with an assignment, what is a self-advocacy step you can take?* 

A) Pretend you understand it

B) Ask a friend to do it for you

C) Seek help from the teacher


What is a skill you might learn in workplace readiness training?* 

A) Effective communication

B) Teamwork

C) Empathy

D) All of the above

E) A & B


How can you pay for post-secondary education?* 

A) Scholarships

B) Grants

C) Student Loans

D) All of the above


What is the purpose of an IEP?* 

A) To document best learning style

B) To list any accommodations, you have

C) To list your goals 

D) All of the above


How do I sign up for Pre-ETS?

Submit a signed consent form!


How can you show bravery in self-advocacy?* 

A) By always agreeing with others

B) By staying silent in tough situation

C) By expressing your thoughts and needs even when it feels challenging
